I'm in the throes of repowering a 1986 33 II. After much deliberation, I chose a Beta 25 to replace the existing Yanmar 2gm. Dimensionally, the replacement sat within the footprint of the existing Yanmar. The problem is that the footprint assumes a square engine space with access on both sides and that that the relative widths of the port and starboard sides of the engine, (including peripherals) are similar. Unfortunately, that is not the case.
All the available engines in the appropriate size range, including the new Yanmar 3YM20, have the heat exchanger and exhaust system located on the port side rather than to starboard as on the 2 GM and, I believe, the 3GM as well. This of course dramatically changes how the new engine sits in the available space. I turns out that the port side of the Beta profile is the narrowest of the available engines, but only by a few millimeters. We determined that the port side of the engine box was about 2 inches too narrow to accommodate the heat exchanger and were forced to accept the fact that we were going to have to alter the port side of the engine enclosure to provide the space required. We also realized that we needed to provide additional access to allow potential removal of the heat exchanger and easier access to the starter (more likely). Fortunately, on the 33 II, there is a dead space on the port side of the engine enclosure under the quarter berth of sufficient width that could be used to provide the required access. This meant cutting out the side of the enclosure and a small section of the quarter berth. The removed section will be cut and reconfigured to accommodate the extra width for the engine and refastened to allow future access to the port side of the engine and the stuffing box if necessary. It also turns out that the configuration of the after storage lockers under the quarter berth presented an additional impediment for the exhaust and CW discharge on the new engine. The bulkhead is within 18 inches of the end of the exhaust manifold and there is insufficient space to the accommodate the exhaust riser and "bend" the wet exhaust hose around the bulkhead to connect to the water lock. Wasn't an issue with the old 2GM! This matter was resolved with the installation of a "crossover" riser unit that Beta can supply. Thought some might be interested in hearing about the trials and tribulations of one repowering exercise. Nothing that a few boat bucks won't solve! Gord Tidmarsh "Masquerade" ' 86 C&C 33 Mk II
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