My 3 blade Gori was over pitched, and after a couple emails they took it
back .  I thought they would reduce the pitch, but they sent it back to
Holland or wherever and took a half inch off the diameter, it was perfect. I
was afraid they would dis me, but they took care of it.  I would suggest
that if you are having that chop-chop sound, go to a 3 blade, it solved my


Bill Coleman

C&C 39 animated_favicon1


From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Chris
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2013 7:56 PM
To: Steve Armitage
Cc: Tim Downing;; Don Conway; Denny Ray
Subject: Re: Stus-List tip clearance



Thanks for getting back to me.  I doubt getting this Gori 2-blade 16.5 x 11
RH  prop rebalanced will help since I already did this and the results we're
negative.  After trying to resolve this for the last three years I think the
only solution is a new prop.  I relied on your company's expertise to size
this prop for me and I made a mistake that I will have to live with.  If you
know of anyone that wants to buy a prop please let me know.  Thanks for your


----- Original Message ----- 

From: Steve Armitage <>  

To: Chris Tassone <>  

Sent: Friday, February 08, 2013 12:22 PM

Subject: Re: tip clearance


Dear Sir, 


Perhaps the thing to do is have the propeller removed and re-balanced as i
think you have enough tip clearance and don't see this as an issue.  Sorry
that i cannot be more helpful than that.

Regards, Steve Armitage 

AB Marine, Inc

747 Aquidneck Ave

Middletown, RI 02842



On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 4:58 PM, Chris Tassone <> wrote:

Hi Steve,

My name is Chris Tassone.  I spoke with you at  Strictly Sail Chicago
concerning the noise I get with my Gori 16.5" x 11 x 2rh prop.  You
suggested that tip clearance could be the culprit.  My tip clearance is
5-1/2".  I spread the prop by spanning the blades and hub with a strait edge
and measured this distance.  I also measured the distance on my 1" shaft
from the cutlass to the front of the prop hub which is 1-3/8".  My boat is a
1979 C&C 34 with a Yanmar 2QM.  The noise is really noticeable and could be
a concern if I ever try to sell the boat.  Would a smaller prop solve the
problem?  I installed a new shaft and coupling when I purchased the Gori.  I
lapped the shaft and checked it with a dial indicator.  The shaft is
aligned.  I really appreciate your attention.


Chris Tassone

231-946-8185 H

231-883-1234 C



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