Pricey little bugger… I picked up a slightly used Astra 3B several years ago on eBay, from a guy in Malaysia. Nice wooden box (which I replaced with a Pelican case), and the thing was smack on for calibration. One thing I did do was to replace the old incandescent arc illumination lamp with a red LED; it required some redo of the battery compartment in the handle, but I shouldn't have to change batteries in a long time.
Of course, it's not much use on Lake Superior -- as big as the lake is, you can often see the mountains (large hills, actually) on the North and South shores. I had a chance to run it through its paces on a trip to the Pacific Northwest, where we actually had a decent horizon to play with. But I'd need to get familiar with either the paper fix calculation charts or newer celestial nav software in order to get even remotely proficient again. Still, it's a cool gizmo to keep around, in case I ever do get out to bluewater; and it only cost me about $300 plus shipping. Fred Street -- Minneapolis S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- on the hard in Bayfield, WI :^( On Jan 26, 2013, at 8:44 PM, Richard Davis <> wrote: > Here is a nice metal sextant. > >
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