Does it smell like rotten wood (balsa) and old polyester fiberglass resin?  I 
am deep into some wet core repairs.  The balsa that rotted to black goo seems 
to have absorbed an unpleasant polyester smell.

The water intrusion began when a prior owner added an opening portlight without 
sealing the balsa.  I did not notice cracks in the plastic frame that allowed 
water to creep through the assembly and drain into the core.  Judging from the 
distance the water/rot travelled I suspect this leak has been going on for 30 
years.  The portlight was not built in by Bruckmann based on pictures of the 
boat used in C&C advertisements.

I suspect polyester resin's affinity for water allowed the saturated core to 
absorb smell from the polyester and add it to the swamp.  After removing wet 
core goo the smell would be in my nose for several days.  Fortunately I am now 
at the point of adding new epoxy smell which I prefer.

1970 C&C 43
From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Gary Nylander
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Crazy weird smell from under the mast..

A black smelly area sure sounds like mold/mildew to me. Try bleach. The house I 
used to own got mildew on its porch ceilings - a pressure washer with a bleach 
solution worked pretty well. On bad places I used tile cleaner.

I would try some tile cleaner.

(with the local weather, I don't have to worry about mold in my bilge - it is 

----- Original Message -----
From: Jake Brodersen<>
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 11:11 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Crazy weird smell from under the mast..

Whenever I cure my stench, I'll let you all know.


Jake Brodersen
C&C 35 Mk-III
Midnight Mistress
Hampton VA

From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Jim Watts
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:13 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Crazy weird smell from under the mast....

That's pretty common on 35-3's but I didn't know about 29-2's. Yes, we can tell 
you how to fix it. It's going to be long and really tedious.
Graham? Jake? Alan? Please take a number.

On 23 January 2013 17:00, Mike Cain 
<<>> wrote:
Has anyone ever experienced a very funk-ay smell from under the stringer that 
supports the mast?
Ours is stepped to the keel but the mast appears to be resting on a +/- 6" wide 
x 4" tall x 12" long block that is glassed to adjacent stringers.
There is a small crack in the glass and if there is any water in the bilge it 
swashes around the crack and makes the whole boat reek...I have further 
investigated the situation and the crack is for sure the smell. Its got an 
nasty black ooze that comes emanates as well.
Mike Cain<>
1983 C&C 29SD
"Antsea" soon to be named something else....

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