Hey Wal, thanks for that. Yeah, I’ve perused your site over the years. And 
unfortunately for my bank account I have taken on a refit project that is about 
50% the scale of yours…
I would say that my keel/hull joint condition approximates yours as it 
originally looked when you first pulled your boat. But Ronin’s been that way 
for some time and sits at my dock all year long. Sooo, I’m bracing for a keel 
bolt repair but hoping that you and Jake's experience are repeated for me. The 
“good” news is that if the keel does needs to be shipped off to Mars for repair 
I can “save” most of the shipping costs by dragging it to Canada myself. Large 
truck, 16,000 lb flatbed trailer and such.
On another note related to the keel, I have the same issue with the wood 
core/limber hole drains that you did and am planning on tackling that issue 
similar to the way you did, sometime this summer. Probably use fiberglass 
tubing instead of the thru-hulls you used. Same, same though...
1982 C&C 37 – “Ronin”
Reedville, VA

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 18, 2013, at 1:01 PM, Wally Bryant <w...@wbryant.com> wrote:

> You can see some pics of my bolts during the keel rebedding: 
> <http://www.wbryant.com/StellaBoat/hauls/0811/index.htm> I definitely had 
> salt water intrusion -- 1/4" salt crystals under the cabin sole around the 
> bolts. Also, the bolt under the mast goes through a sealed 'crash bulkhead' 
> that was flooded. Checking the bolt integrity was the main reason for 
> dropping the keel.
> The bolts were in perfect shape. Whew. I don't know how long it actually 
> takes for destructive crevice corrosion in salt water, but have a feeling it 
> depends on the quality of the stainless steel.
> Wal
> Dave Godwin wrote:
>> That’s comforting, believe me. When you say the “forward keel bolt was 
>> leaking” can I take that to mean that you had salt-water intrusion into your 
>> bilge?
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