Imzadi had the original 27” square A&H hatch on the foredeck. I Had bought a 
used hatch some time ago, and planned to refurb that hatch and install it on 
the existing frame (which did not leak).


So my first question is why pull the frame if it isn’t leaking and you are 
planning to refurbish/reseal the lens in the hatch?


For me, it turned out that there are older and newer style A&H hatches and that 
the hinge arrangement is different enough that my refurbished hatch would not 
fit the existing frame. I took out all of the screws holding the hatch down and 
tried to lift the frame – no joy. The hatch frame was bedded with gray butyl (I 
scraped a small sample from under the edge to determine what the sealant was), 
but boy was it tenacious. Finally forced a putty knife between the frame and 
deck in several places to break the seal, and used a wide pry  bar as a lever 
the frame off the deck.


My point is that the sealant could be butyl.


And, of course, the second point is that when you reinstall the frame DO NOT 
use 5200.



Rick Brass

Washington, NC




From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2012 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: Stus-List deck hatch leak


I'll tell you what works, Diesel fuel!


-----Original message-----

From: Gary Nylander <>
Sent: Sat, Nov 10, 2012 15:39:25 GMT+00:00
Subject: Re: Stus-List deck hatch leak

There's a product which un-glues 5200. If interested, I can go to the boat 
(five minutes away) and get the name.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Graham Collins" 
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2012 7:04 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List deck hatch leak

> Sounds like someone got busy with 5200...
> See if you can work a box cutter knife blade in, if you can then work it > 
> around gradually, while keeping upward pressure on the frame.
> Another trick is to get a steel wire in - like a guitar string. And then > 
> work it around the perimeter.
> Graham Collins
> Secret Plans
> C&C 35-III #11
> LKL Architects wrote:
>> Trying to lift the hatch off the deck, will not budge and do not want to >> 
>> force and ruin the gel coat. Any ideas on what the bedding might be and >> 
>> how to break the bond. Appreciate any ideas.
>> Lloyd Lippe
>> Finesse
>> 85 Landfall 39
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