Well, that's as close as possible to "glass mat cloth", so you're off the
hook. That mat is stitched to a biaxial cloth, so there is no binder in the
mat. I stand somewhat corrected.

On 19 October 2012 16:18, Robert Abbott <robertabb...@eastlink.ca> wrote:

> Wally et al:
> You are way over my head from a technical viewpoint on the term I used
> 'glass mat cloth'.  The material I used to wrap my keel keel joint was this
> stuff and because it said it was compatible with 'resin':...so I soaked it
> in West System Resin.
> http://www.tapplastics.com/**product/fiberglass/carbon_**
> specialty_fabrics/knytex_x_**mat/91<http://www.tapplastics.com/product/fiberglass/carbon_specialty_fabrics/knytex_x_mat/91>
> I'm no rocket scientist but whatever concoction I made up, it has worked
> for 7 sailing seasons....no crack, no smile.
> Bob Abbott
> C&C 3 - 84
> Halifax, N.S.
> On 2012/10/19 1:07 PM, Wally Bryant wrote:
>> you wrote:
>>> Just for clarification, there is no such thing as "glass mat cloth".
>> Maybe he was referring to Knytex X-Cloth.  I seem to recall that the mat
>> that's sewn into the fabric isn't styrene bonded, but can't verify that
>> on-line at the moment.
>> Wal
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Paradigm Shift
C&C 35 Mk III
Victoria, BC
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