I found the best knife for cutting Dyneema was a cheap ceramic knife from
Harbor Freight.  Second best was a sharp bread knife.  My new rigging knife
was useless!

On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 10:18 AM, Sébastien Lemieux

> On my 30-2, I've always assumed that the baby stay (together with the
> internal rod linking the deck attachment to the hull) was also playing a
> role in stiffening the hull since there is no forward bulkhead (the wall is
> angled and provides no support).
> Given that there is no forward bulkhead, is it still safe to remove the
> baby stay?
> As for the use of fabric, I was practicing DB splicing earlier this summer
> with some 3/8 Samson XLS extra.  Cutting the core (MFP + dyneema blend) was
> extremely difficult.  I had no pairs of scissors in the house up for the
> job.  I had to use a very sharp kitchen knife against a cutting board. The
> knife needed a few passes on the sharpening steel every 10 cuts or so.
>  Since the XLS is a value-oriented line, I don't think it has a very high
> dyneema content...  These fibers are certainly easier to cut than a steel
> cable, but I don't think they can be cut "by accident".
> Sébastien Lemieux
> Merlot X - C&C 30 mk2 1987
> Mooney Bay - Lake Champlain
> On Oct 18, 2012, at 9:11, Pat Nevitt wrote:
> I have a 29-2 that has a baby stay on it.  The stay normally stays
> shackled to the mast base except in heavier air when I run the shackle to a
> ring in the center of the deck.  The stay is cable to a series of blocks
> that give me 4:1 purchase and aline that runs back to the cockpit through a
> rope clutch.  Whether you need it or not depends on how much wind you get.
> Here on the Chesapeake I rarely use it.  During the race last Sunday
> however with winds at 16-19, gusts to 24, we put it on when going upwind
> and it really helps flatten the mainsail.  With the setup I have it is
> really easy to release the clutch to take the tension off the shackle and
> then run the shackle back to the mast for the downwind run.  I don't know
> about using Dynema.  The thing that bothers me about that is that at the
> end of the day, it is still fabric and something sharp can cut it and
> destroy it.
> Pat Nevitt
> *Patriot*
> C&C 29 MKII
> Galesville MD
> On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 7:40 AM, Law Office of Craig Meyerson <
> craigmeyer...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> I installed a traveler track from the mast base to the forward most point
>> on the deck I wanted the baby stay to reach on my old C&C 34.  Put an
>> adjustable car on the track controlled from the cockpit.  Used dyneema for
>> the stay.  Downwind adjusted the car aft to get out of the way for dip-pole
>> jibing and aft pole adjustment.  Worked very well.  Should be helpful for
>> end to end jibing too.  The dyneema was on its fourth season when I sold
>> the boat.
>> Baby stay reduces mast pumping upwind, so I would not remove it.
>>   Craig Meyerson
>> C&C 115 *Souvenir*
>> **
>>    *From:* dwight veinot <dwightvei...@hfx.eastlink.ca>
>> *To:* cnc-list@cnc-list.com
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 17, 2012 6:28 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: Stus-List Dyneema baby stay
>> Won't be much easier
>> Dwight Veinot
>> C&C 35 MKII, Alianna
>> Head of St. Margaret's Bay, NS
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] On Behalf Of
>> dre...@gmail.com
>> Sent: October 17, 2012 10:10 AM
>> To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
>> Subject: Stus-List Dyneema baby stay
>> Hi,
>> I am looking for a solution to help make my baby stay more easily
>> removable.
>> I presently have a standard 1x19 SS cable turn buckle set up, and I plan
>> to
>> install a pelican-like hook attachment.  I have a colleague who is
>> replacing his SS lifelines with Dyneema line.  This got me to think about
>> using Dyneema for the baby stay.    Does anyone have any experience in
>> using
>> a Dyneema solution for any rigging arrangements?
>> -
>> Paul E.
>> 1979 C&C 29 Mk1
>> S/V Johanna Rose
>> Carrabelle, FL
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