Danny: Sounds as though you have done some useful research. If you decide to 
purchase, keep us informed. 

Rich Knowles
Indigo. LF38

On 2012-10-01, at 12:34, "djhaug...@juno.com" <djhaug...@juno.com> wrote:

I've done some research on sitex lately.  It seems the last company that owned 
sitex (can't recall the name right now) decided they would move to Washington 
State and get out of the recreational marine market.   It was their intention 
to shut down the Sitex company.  One of the Sitex big wigs decided he didn't 
want to see the company disappear.  So, he found some backers and bought Sitex 
and re-opened on Long Island.  That was 2009.  
From all of my research, it seemed that the only people that had anything 
negative to say were people that didn't actually own the equipment.   The few 
post by people that did own the equipment was almost always positive.  I called 
the GPS store and they gave them a good report.  I called a company called 
getfeetwet.com and although, he didn't know much about the company or their 
products said he hadn't heard anything negative about them and never had any 
complaints about the stuff he did sell from them.  He also said something I 
hadn't thought about.  He said the company has been around a long time and they 
were obviously selling product or they would have gone out of business.  Then 
he said that the lack of people complaining about Sitex could tell you 
something as well.  Unhappy customers are about 5 times more likely to go out 
of their way to complain in a public forum.  Maybe 5 out of 10.  Then, maybe 1 
out of 10 happy customers feel compelled to go out and sing the praises of the 
company.  So, in saying that,  I think I may have found one negative from an 
owner of sitex and I'd say I found about 7 or 8 from people that actually owned 
it and recommended it. I found a bunch from people not recommending it that 
never owned sitex stuff.
I called sitex directly and I got through easily, and on the phone with a guy 
named Ted, one of they're techs.  He stayed on the phone with me for 20 minutes 
answering questions patiently and plainly.  He also invited me to call back 
with any other questions I may have or, if I decided to buy the sitex chart 
plotter I was interested in, for any help I may need installing and setting up 
the unit.  I felt the customer service was great in that regard.  He told me 
that, like many of the other electronics companies, they have the units built 
in Honk Kong to they're specs.
I'm not recommending one way or the other.  Thats just what I found during a 
couple of weeks doing google searches and making phone calls.
Hope this is helpful,
1973 Viking 33
Westport Point, MA

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Chris Price <iceboa...@comcast.net>
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Subject: Re: Stus-List chartplotter/radar
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2012 23:35:44 +0000 (UTC)

I believe Si-Tex is under new ownership. I purchased a VHF for my Mako from 
them. It failed to work when installed for it's second season. Thy replaced it, 
no questions asked, and ha worked perfectly ever since.

Chris Price

From: "Frederick G Street" <f...@postaudio.net>
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 3:55:04 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List chartplotter/radar

Yes, Si-Tex has been around for a while, but mostly in the inexpensive radar 
and fishfinder side of things.  Caveat emptor...

Fred Street -- Minneapolis
S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- on the hard in Bayfield, WI   :^(

On Sep 25, 2012, at 2:15 PM, djhaug...@juno.com wrote:

I found another 7" plotter.  It isn't touch screen but is $640 with a C-Map Max 
charts right in the box!
That seems incredibly inexpensive from a company that has been around a while.

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