Dennis, Thanks, I will ask Stu.
Now for another anomaly on my boat. Due to a massive repair that was undertaken in the late 80's, the stamped serial no. was glassed over. I also never got the carpenter's certificate and only have the serial no. (282) as well as the coast guard number carved into a board in the forepeak. How do I go about re-building my transom ID? Then the next question is: In power boats sold here in Canada, I believe there is a requirement for a metal data plate to be installed somewhere visible showing max horsepower, etc...Does this apply in for this generation of sail boats? If I ask our coast guard, or Transport Canada, I will open up a bureaucratic can of worms, so, hoping none of the listers work for those organization to turn me in, can anybody fill me in? ALEX GIANNELIA CC 35-II (1974) WILL BE RENAMED ON THE HARD SINCE NOV. 2006 Toronto Ontario _______________________________________________ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album