This topic interests me as well, as it should other CC 35-II owners as mine was apparently built in May of 1974 (no papers to prove it, another story) and I got blue prints with it which have a notation by the draughtsperson which says "after Nov. 1974 add 4".
I wonder if the person who did the 34 shoe, whether they faired it in line with the existing keel which is less swept and a bit higher aspect than the 35-2 keels are. I would like to do this some day, add the 4" which I roughly estimate will add a few hundred pounds, but am also concerned with the hydrodynamics of it all. Last keel question, is the 34 keel flat edged on the bottom, or round edged? ALEX GIANNELIA CC 35-II (1974) WILL BE RENAMED ON THE HARD SINCE NOV. 2006 Toronto Ontario _______________________________________________ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album