Once upon a time I was looking to buy an SUV. I looked at the specs on Toyota, 
Nissan and Isuzu. WOW!  The Isuzu had a lot for hundreds of $$ less.  I went to 
a dealer and test drove one. I knew in the 1st 200 yards I didn't want one 
regardless of price.  Paid more for a Nissan and never looked back. 

Almost every time I cheap it, I wish I hadn't.

Test drive your GPS. 

Dennis C.
Touché 35-1 #83
Mandeville, LA

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 24, 2012, at 8:36 PM, "djhaug...@juno.com" <djhaug...@juno.com> wrote:

> Hello again,
> Does anyone have any comments about the Standard Horizon Cp590.
> It is a 12" chart-plotter and can be had for $1425...bigger is better the 
> Standard Horizon Cp390i is a 7" version and can be had for under $800
> Danny
> Lolita
> 1973 Viking 33
> South Coast, MA
> ---------- Original Message ----------
> From: Chuck S <cscheaf...@comcast.net>
> To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
> Subject: Re: Stus-List chartplotter/radar
> Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2012 11:27:40 +0000 (UTC)
> Danny,
> I don't have radar, but have researched the project for my boat.  Here's a 
> few thoughts I have:
> Boatshows offer free training to read the radar screen, and I would recommend 
> you check out several brands before choosing.   Radar displays can be very 
> confusing as the blip from a boat, a buoy, or clutter can appear the same.  
> Integrating a GPS, chart, and radar would be the only way to go for me, so 
> brand may be driven more by that capability. 
> The cataloges show you can easily spend more on a display pod and mount than 
> on the radar system, but if it isn't mounted in a convenient location, it is 
> useless.   A friend mounted his radar on his mast, and keeps the display in a 
> cockpit locker, I doubt it will work when needed.  Another boat has the 
> display mounted on a cabin bulkhead, not too convenient.  
> The stern pole mounted radars seem the better option for a few reasons.  
> Shorter cable run.  Less weight aloft (this has a dramatic effect on smaller 
> sailboats).  Easier to service.
> Radar becomes an expensive upgrade that requires long consideration.  I 
> wouldn't spend that kind of money on a boat upgrade unless I was keeping her 
> for a long time.
> Chuck
> Resolute
> 1990 C&C 34R
> Atlantic City, NJ
> From: djhaug...@juno.com
> To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
> Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2012 7:31:05 PM
> Subject: Re: Stus-List Multi function chartplotter
> Hi All,
> I'm considering new electronics for next year. Specifically, the Garmin 740s 
> radar bundle and the Raymarine e7d radar bundle. the prices are almost the 
> same especially when you consider that the Raymarine is offering a $250 AmEx 
> gift card as a rebate.
> I probably would not buy now as it is so late in the season but the Raymarine 
> seems to be a better option when the dollars are so close and the $250 rebate 
> expires Sept. 30th.
> Does anyone have any comments on either of these systems and do you think the 
> rebate is a sign of something coming out soon as a replacement or a price 
> drop for next year?
> Defender has the e7d for $2422 which is $2172 after rebate and I see the 
> Garmen for $2144 at Hodges Marine. I can price match this stuff at West 
> Marine too.
> According to Practical Sailor it seems when the dollars match the Raymarine 
> is the better buy because of the bells and whisltes. I also like the added 
> knobs plus touch control vs just touch control on the Garmin.
> Also, I have a Garman Gpsmap 162 and garmin Fishfinder 240 that are working.  
> The Gpsmap doesn't show any chart info.  Am I crazy for considering the 
> upgrade?  I was watching the BoatUS guys chartplotter and thought, "now, that 
> would be nice!"
> Danny
> 1973 Viking 33
> South Coast, MA 
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