I agree with Fred that 12 is huge, but I could see a 9 inch only because
they seem to run 7, 9, 12.  There are buttons on the side, increasing the
size of the case.  Plus it looks like a model being replaced.  Imagine the
size of the mounting pod, especially if it is going to contain other "toys".
But it is a great price!


On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 4:40 PM, Frederick G Street <f...@postaudio.net>wrote:

> 12" is a *HUGE* chartplotter for a boat your size.  Anything over 8"
> would be overkill, especially if you're trying to put it at the helm, where
> it'll do the most good.  IMHO...
> Fred Street -- Minneapolis
> S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- on the hard in Bayfield, WI   :^(
> On Sep 24, 2012, at 3:36 PM, djhaug...@juno.com wrote:
> Hello again,
> Does anyone have any comments about the Standard Horizon Cp590.
> It is a 12" chart-plotter and can be had for $1425...bigger is better
> the Standard Horizon Cp390i is a 7" version and can be had for under $800
> Danny
> Lolita
> 1973 Viking 33
> South Coast, MA
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