Rich -- when I had a top-end rebuild a few years back, the diesel mechanic I 
used (a legend in the northern Wisconsin area) said the QM series was 
originally designed for industrial uses like pumps and compressors, and given 
the sparse use on a sailboat by comparison, it should last just about forever.  
So while they're large, heavy and noisy, they're also built for heavy use.  He 
suggested that, with proper maintenance, mine should be good for another thirty 
years before it needs more work.

So you should be good for a while...   :^)

Fred Street -- Minneapolis
S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- on the hard in Bayfield, WI   :^(

On Sep 19, 2012, at 7:23 AM, Rich Knowles wrote:

> I got my Yanmar 3QM engine back from the rebuilders and into the boat 
> yesterday. They were unable to determine the precise cause of the blow by 
> that caused the oil evacuation. Might have been stuck rings. In any event, 
> they installed new piston assemblies, cylinder liners, bearings and exhaust 
> valves. It took them 3 hours to remove the injector I was unable to when I 
> tried two years ago. 
> In short, I should have a fine "new" engine once I bolt it in place and hook 
> everything up. 
> Total cost: about $4,500 not counting my R&R labour.
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