Thanks, a good point! Probably more for Dennis on /Touche/ and the rest of the fleet getting ready to wash and wear up there.

We're in southwest Florida, Isaac passed us yesterday.

On 08/27/2012 05:55 PM, Neil Andersen wrote:
Just make sure your tie down can handle a storm surge both ways.  I have seen 
that the Weather Channel is calling for 7-12 ft near New Orleans...

Good luck and Godspeed.

C&C32, Worton Creek, MD.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Andrew Frame
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 12:23 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Isaac..

We took the main off and bagged it, and brought the main, jib, and genoa home 
for a washing.

Moving from our slip down-canal a few hundred feet to a tie off point, we all 
forgot about the overhanging tree and promptly ran the mast into the branches. 
How the VHF didn't get ripped off the top is beyond me.

Ran single lines across the canal, tied off to trees, and put our 24 in the 
middle. Checked it this morning. Not a budge. Doesn't even look like the 
flotsam moved.

First "storm" with our first boat, so it's all still new and cool to us.

On 08/26/2012 10:10 PM, Jack Brennan wrote:
We've had gusts to 55 or 60 in SE Florida, but really nothing more
than a long, rainy day. Didn't bother boarding up.

Took a looonng nap this afternoon after prepping the boat and taking
home the roller furling jib, which needed some restitching on the
protective cover. Did that while watching an old movie.

Hopefully, the storm will stay weak as it heads up the Gulf. You folks
on the Gulf coast have suffered enough.

Jack Brennan
Shanachie, 1974 Bristol 30
Former C&C 25
Fort Lauderdale, Fl.

-----Original Message----- From: Dennis C.
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2012 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Isaac..

Thanks, Colin

We just got in from Pensacola.  2 1/2 days of really great sailing.
Averaged 6.5 knots for the 164 nm trip.  Even if Pensacola escapes,
Touche's slip in Bayou Castine in Mandeville is very protected and I'd
rather be here than anywhere on the coast.

Did a bunch of storm prep after docking. Spider webbed the dock lines
across the neighboring slips, dropped the headsail, took all halyards
forward to the toe rails, etc.  Staying on boat tonight and will
finish pulling canvas, mainsail, and other stuff tomorrow.

Already experiencing spot shortages and outages on fuel and supplies
as people stock up.

Bit of ironic deja vu, Hurricane Katrina devastated NOLA on August 29.
Isaac will also make landfall on August 29.

Let's hope the French Quarter and Pat O'brien's survive.

Prayers and best wishes to all in Isaac's path.

Dennis C.
Touché 35-1 #83
Home in Mandeville, LA

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 26, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Colin Kilgour <>

Good luck to Dennis and the other Gulf Coasters & Ponchartrainers.
(And of course... all of NOLA - even if they're not C&C'ers)

Be safe.

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