Hi Danny,
You're right, that packing won't tolerate being soaked in grease at
the beginning. It might prevent water being there during the run-in period.
I suggest no more than hand tight on the gland nut and lock it with a
wrench. If you have good clean threads you won't need a wrench for
adjusting. If it's too tight by hand then use the wrench to overcome
friction of tightening the packing.
Run for an hour or more with visible leakage, say a drip or more per
second. Too many drips to count is okay to.
On the next shutdown, hand tight and lock.
Basically repeat to slow down the drips until you can run with no
drips and have a not too warm stuffing box after a 2 hour run.
Cheers, Russ
Sweet 35 mk-1
At 05:25 AM 25/07/2012, you wrote:
Hi Russ,
Thanks for the reply. It is all still new and I'm not launched
yet. so, I still need to adjust the packing nut after I
launch. Good eye my friend!
I will do as you suggest. Seems reasonable. I was just concerned
that maybe the new packing wouldn't like the grease...
---------- Original Message ----------
From: Russ & Melody <russ...@telus.net>
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Subject: Re: Stus-List Stuffing box grease fitting
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2012 21:23:59 -0700
Hi Danny,
Those grease caps are pretty handy when using flax packing... if it
wasn't set just right you could turn the grease cup and stop a drip
without using wrenches before leaving the boat. (Really important if
boat on a mooring for awhile)
Your new packing likes a bit of exposure to water. I suggest packing
the grease cup but don't tighten it much.
Why is your gland locknut away from the gland nut? It should be
tight against the gland nut to prevent the gland coming apart and
unloading your fresh packing rings into the bilge... then you have a leak!
Cheers, Russ
Sweet 35 mk-1
east Vancouver Isd
At 10:32 AM 24/07/2012, you wrote:
---------- Original Message ----------
From: Joel Aronson <joel.aron...@gmail.com>
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Subject: Re: Stus-List Stuffing box grease fitting
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2012 13:27:18 -0400
No photo!
On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 1:22 PM,
<<mailto:djhaug...@juno.com>djhaug...@juno.com> wrote:
Hello Again,
I'm ever nearing a launch my friends, and am in a bit of dis-belief!
Anyway, today's question is;
Given my stuffing box has a grease cap type grease fitting and I
repacked using Graphtex Ultra shaft packing, do I...;
a. need to grease the fitting?
b. if so, do I just stuff some white lithium marine grease into it
as best I can and then fill the cap with it and screw it together?
Here is a link to a pic of the stuffing box (before I pulled the
engine, painted the compartment and installed the moyer)
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