This is a perfect place for the "85% rule". I used this rule in my
professional career and use it a lot as a race skipper.
Here's how it is: "If it's 85% of the way I would have done it, it's OK".
Like Martin (and many others), I let the crew do a lot of putting the boat
away. More often than not, they get within that 85% window. After they leave,
I may redo some of it that fell outside the window.
Case in point. Last week, the Admiral's grandson "helped" me repair some
sheetrock in a closet in the house. I had to loosen the rule a bit, more like
a 60% rule. Heck, it's sheetrock REPAIR. Gotta slop the mud on anyway.
Specifically, he bent a lot of nails and made a few new holes and dings in the
walls. After he left, I repaired his "repairs". He felt good about helping
and stayed out of trouble. The extra work for me was better than dealing with
a sullen kid.
Bottom line, keep the crew happy, tell them they did a good job then redo
things after they leave.
Dennis C.
Touche' 35-1 #83
Mandeville, LA
> From: Martin DeYoung <>
>To: "" <>
>Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 6:53 PM
>Subject: Re: Stus-List Who pays for the food and beer? + boat cleaning
>Based on the evidence:
>>After a race, I like to put the boat away alone, so I know where everything
>>I want my boat how I want it, ….
>You are a text book case of ARSS. (Anally-retentive sailor’s syndrome) As a
>charter member of the ARSS support group’s PNW chapter I can recognize the
>symptoms from a great distance.
>Sadly there is no “purple pill” to cure ARSS. Your crew’s tolerance and early
>exit post race are the only know treatments.
>Calypso’s crew quickly learns that once the big stuff is done I prefer to
>finish putting the boat away by myself. When a greenhorn asks how/where to
>tie on a fender the more experienced crew tell them the general location with
>a follow up of “don’t worry, Martin will redo it after you leave”.
>1971 C&C 43
> [] On
>Behalf Of Chuck S
>Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 4:36 PM
>Subject: Re: Stus-List Who pays for the food and beer?
>Good topic: Who pays for food and beer?
>I started racing two years ago so I'm new to racing and the customary rituals
>necessary to help the crew bond and keep returning. I see I have been wrong,
>releasing them to drive home as soon as we touch the dock. After a race, I
>like to put the boat away alone, so I know where everything is. I also feel
>I need some quiet time after racing, so I try to get them to party on the two
>hour run to the dock. My dock is behind a private residence with no room to
>party, so I might have to find a watering hole where we can share a drink
>before everybody drives home. Some of my guys drive over an hour, so not sure
>how that will fly? Otherwise I keep plenty of water bottles in the ice box
>along with ginger ale, coke, pepsi, sprite or fresca, iced tea, and plenty of
>a light beer. Some guys add their favorite beer to the ice.
>I do all the boat prep and carry all expenses, entry fees repair costs etc. I
>want my boat how I want it, the crew to enjoy the race, work hard at winning,
>but have fun, and come back. We don't have alcohol during the racing, but
>maybe one after the last race, (it's a two hour sail or motor from the racing
>venue to our dock) and definitely offer drinks at the dock. I tell them to
>take some drinks (soda or water) with them for the drive home.
>We just completed the Atlantic City Race Week Regatta. We had a crew of 5 on
>Friday and I provided doughnuts for the morning, and Italian hoagies for
>lunch. Some of the crew brought their own lunch, but the hoagie was devoured.
> They liked that.
>Saturday, crew of 7, we waited on the docks all day but the races were
>eventually cancelled. I had doughnuts and turkey and chicken wraps for the
>crew, but 4 crew went sightseeing at Revel's new casino during the wait, and
>had lunch watching the ocean from the casino.
>Sunday, I had a crew of 6. I bought a 2 ft hoagie cut into 6 pieces. Plus I
>had 4 wraps left over from the day before. Some crew brought their own
>sandwiches and the hoagie was devoured. The wraps were left behind. (note to
>self: the guys don't like wraps)
>I've brought lots of snacks, and other drinks like Gatorade, but they don't
>get touched, so I pared it down.
>1990 C&C 34R
>Atlantic City ,
>From: "Rich Knowles" <>
>Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 6:19:20 PM
>Subject: Re: Stus-List Who pays for the food and beer?
>I'm a cheap sod. I supply the hydrocarbons, they supply the carbohydrates.
>But not all the time....
>Rich Knowles
>Indigo LF38
>Halifax ,
Nova Scotia
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>This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
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