On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 12:24:13PM -0500, Will Stevens wrote:
>    - I am currently compiling my code using the 'nonoss' flag similar to
>    JuniperSRX, Netscaler, etc...  I will not be referencing any code external
>    to CloudStack, but I will be integrating with the Palo Alto API.  I need to
>    confirm that the Palo Alto API documentation can be made publicly
>    accessible.  What is the standard practice regarding the nonoss flag and
>    when it should be used?

The non-oss flag is basically so that our default build does not pull in
non ASLv2 compatible dependencies (as defined by the ASF legal folks).
In the scenario that you describe, you are creating CloudStack code that
will call a remote web service API, which means you are not adding a new
dependency to the project.  Based on this, there's no reason that you
would need your code to be in the non-default build (but we'll adjust as
needed as you get further along).

One point to note - Inclusion of the WSDL in our code may be
questionable.  Inclusion of proxy class files generated from that WSDL
should not be a problem.

> Also, I do not have permission to assign the New Feature issue I created in
> Jira to myself, so if someone could do that for me that would be great
> (link is in the spec).

You have permission now.  Give it a shot!


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