Here is the functional spec:

I have most of the wiring in place now for the Palo Alto device to be
visible in the UI as a service provider.  Currently my network/element and
network/resource files do not contain real usable code (they are pretty
much SRX2 right now), but everything is compiling, so thats a start.

A few questions:

   - I see that the plugin mechanism has changed a bit recently on the
   Master branch.  Instead of using PlugableService we are now using Inject.
    Is this part of a larger initiative that I should be aware of?  I have
   updated my code to use the Inject mechanism, but I want to make sure that I
   am up to speed on any refactoring of the plugin mechanism.
   - I am currently compiling my code using the 'nonoss' flag similar to
   JuniperSRX, Netscaler, etc...  I will not be referencing any code external
   to CloudStack, but I will be integrating with the Palo Alto API.  I need to
   confirm that the Palo Alto API documentation can be made publicly
   accessible.  What is the standard practice regarding the nonoss flag and
   when it should be used?

I think thats it for now.  Please review the functional spec I provided and
let me know if there are any pressing details that I have left out.

Also, I do not have permission to assign the New Feature issue I created in
Jira to myself, so if someone could do that for me that would be great
(link is in the spec).



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