got it. the iops are shared amongst guest vm disks that reside on a volume.
So is the idea to create a volume per vm?

On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Mike Tutkowski <
> wrote:

> Also, when I say "volume", that is equal to "LUN" when talking about
> SolidFire.
> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 2:21 PM, Mike Tutkowski <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Ahmad,
>> Thanks for the comments.
>> In regards to your first idea about creating multiple targets on the
>> SolidFire system, I'd be concerned that I wouldn't know how many to create.
>>  Would I make 100...200...?  Not sure.  Since SolidFire can control IOPS on
>> a per-volume basis, in our ideal world, each VM Instance or Data Disk would
>> be serviced by a single SolidFire volume.  If I ever have more than one VM
>> Instance, for example, running on the same SolidFire volume, I can't
>> guarantee any individual VM its IOPS (as its IOPS may be absorbed unequally
>> by the other VM(s) running on the same volume).
>> Does that make sense?  If you see some flaw in my logic, please let me
>> know.  :)
>> Thanks!
>> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 1:02 PM, Ahmad Emneina <> wrote:
>>> Hey Mike,
>>> The cleanest approach as a user would be:
>>> I create multiple targets on the solid fire. Each with a different IOPs
>>> setting (assuming you can control max iops for volumes this way). I'd mount
>>> each to the hypervisor and create a specific service offering for each.
>>> That way youre intercepting calls with a script and modifying
>>> tags/offerings on the fly, and avoid said race condition.
>>> second cleanest approach IMO:
>>> Or to backpack off your previous method. Create 3 different service
>>> offerings (fast, medium, slow).  That way when the deploy vm is called,
>>> your volume create script can intercept the call and will know the QOS
>>> based on the offering.
>>> Why I'd do this is say you change the service offering to fast while
>>> provisioning a vm, and a user with a disk thats meant to be slow reboots
>>> her vm... she'll be upgraded to fast. All because your modifying the one
>>> and only offering.
>>> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 11:17 AM, Mike Tutkowski <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> I learned yesterday that Edison's new storage plug-in architecture will
>>>> first be released with 4.2.
>>>> As such, I began to wonder if there was any way outside of CloudStack
>>>> that
>>>> I could support CloudStack users who want to make use of SolidFire's QoS
>>>> feature (controlling IOPS).
>>>> A couple of us brainstormed for a bit and this is what we came up with.
>>>>  Can anyone confirm if this could work?
>>>> ********************
>>>> The CloudStack Admin creates a Primary Storage that is of the type
>>>> PreSetup.  This is tagged with a name like "SolidFire_High" (for
>>>> SolidFire
>>>> High IOPS).
>>>> The CloudStack Admin creates a Compute Offering that refers to the
>>>> "SolidFire_High" Storage Tag.
>>>> In the CSP's own GUI, a user picks the Compute Offering referred to
>>>> above.
>>>>  The CSP's code sees the Storage Tag "SolidFire_High" and that cues it
>>>> to
>>>> invoke a script of mine.
>>>> My script is passed in the necessary information.  It creates a
>>>> SolidFire
>>>> volume with the necessary attributes and hooks it up to the hypervisor
>>>> running in the Cluster.  It updates my Primary Storage's Tag with the
>>>> IQN
>>>> (or some unique identifier), then it updates my Compute Offering's
>>>> Storage
>>>> Tag with this same value.
>>>> Once the Primary Storage and the Compute Offering have been updated,
>>>> CloudStack can begin the process of creating a VM Instance.
>>>> Once the VM Instance is up and running, the CSP's GUI could set the
>>>> Primary
>>>> Storage's and Compute Offering's Storage Tags back to the
>>>> "SolidFire_High"
>>>> value.
>>>> ********************
>>>> The one problem I see with this is that you would have to be sure not to
>>>> kick off the process of creating such a Compute Offering until your
>>>> previous such Compute Offering was finished (because there is a race
>>>> condition while the Storage Tag field points to the IQN (or some other
>>>> unique identifier)).
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> --
>>>> *Mike Tutkowski*
>>>> *Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.*
>>>> e:
>>>> o: 303.746.7302
>>>> Advancing the way the world uses the
>>>> cloud<>
>>>> *™*
>> --
>> *Mike Tutkowski*
>>  *Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.*
>> e:
>> o: 303.746.7302
>> Advancing the way the world uses the 
>> cloud<>
>> *™*
> --
> *Mike Tutkowski*
> *Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.*
> e:
> o: 303.746.7302
> Advancing the way the world uses the 
> cloud<>
> *™*

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