Hi everyone, I learned yesterday that Edison's new storage plug-in architecture will first be released with 4.2.
As such, I began to wonder if there was any way outside of CloudStack that I could support CloudStack users who want to make use of SolidFire's QoS feature (controlling IOPS). A couple of us brainstormed for a bit and this is what we came up with. Can anyone confirm if this could work? ******************** The CloudStack Admin creates a Primary Storage that is of the type PreSetup. This is tagged with a name like "SolidFire_High" (for SolidFire High IOPS). The CloudStack Admin creates a Compute Offering that refers to the "SolidFire_High" Storage Tag. In the CSP's own GUI, a user picks the Compute Offering referred to above. The CSP's code sees the Storage Tag "SolidFire_High" and that cues it to invoke a script of mine. My script is passed in the necessary information. It creates a SolidFire volume with the necessary attributes and hooks it up to the hypervisor running in the Cluster. It updates my Primary Storage's Tag with the IQN (or some unique identifier), then it updates my Compute Offering's Storage Tag with this same value. Once the Primary Storage and the Compute Offering have been updated, CloudStack can begin the process of creating a VM Instance. Once the VM Instance is up and running, the CSP's GUI could set the Primary Storage's and Compute Offering's Storage Tags back to the "SolidFire_High" value. ******************** The one problem I see with this is that you would have to be sure not to kick off the process of creating such a Compute Offering until your previous such Compute Offering was finished (because there is a race condition while the Storage Tag field points to the IQN (or some other unique identifier)). Thanks! -- *Mike Tutkowski* *Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.* e: mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com o: 303.746.7302 Advancing the way the world uses the cloud<http://solidfire.com/solution/overview/?video=play> *™*