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I see that you have splitted the patches. Can you provide some details about 
what each individual patch is doing?


    Some comment would help as to why this is needed.


    What are the possible values for networkLabel. Currently you are handling 
the format a,b,c. What if someone passes only a or a,b or a,b,c,d?


    What is the need for this setter? Doesn't provide good encapsulation. If 
_vSwitchType is set in the ctor and then modified using the setter there is 
discrepancy between _networkLabel and this.



- Koushik Das

On Jan. 31, 2013, 5:21 p.m., Sateesh Chodapuneedi wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://reviews.apache.org/r/9189/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Jan. 31, 2013, 5:21 p.m.)
> Review request for cloudstack, Murali Reddy and Kelven Yang.
> Description
> -------
> This is 1st patch for feature 'Support for VMware dvSwitch in CloudStack'.
> Virtual switch type could be chosen at zone level or at cluster level for 
> specific traffic type.
> UI functionality is also included.
> autoExpand of dvPortGroup is available in code but disabled as its breaking 
> because vCenter 4.1 does not support autoExpand feature.
> This addresses bug CLOUDSTACK-657.
> Diffs
> -----
>   api/src/com/cloud/network/TrafficLabel.java PRE-CREATION 
>   plugins/hypervisors/vmware/src/com/cloud/network/VmwareTrafficLabel.java 
> vmware-base/src/com/cloud/hypervisor/vmware/mo/DistributedVirtualSwitchMO.java
> Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/9189/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> Manual testing:-
> 1) Tested guest traffic over dvSwitch on a dedicated physical network. In 
> this case management and public traffic uses standard vSwitch on a common 
> physical network.
> 2) Tested both guest traffic and public traffic over dvSwitch on a physical 
> network.
> 3) Use optional parameters added to AddClusterCmd to override Zone level 
> network traffic label. Tested 2 clusters, one with standard vSwitch and other 
> with dvSwitch.
> 4) Tested all 3 traffic types on single physical network with global 
> parameter 'vmware.use.dvswitch' set to false. This is default configuration 
> scenario.
> Added following tests,
> 1) Test fetching dvSwitch object from vCenter
> 2) Test for presence of dvPortGroup
> 3) Test presence of dvPortGroup
> 4) Test get existing dvPortGroup
> 5) fetch dvPortGroup configuration
> 6) Test compare dvPortGroup configuration
> 7) Test update dvPortGroup configuration
> Thanks,
> Sateesh Chodapuneedi

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