Both XS and vSphere say they support it on Windows, so I suspect Windows must 
support it..


-----Original Message-----
From: Marcus Sorensen [] 
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 1:32 PM
Cc: Chiradeep Vittal; Brian Angus
Subject: Re: Review Request: API commands to add or remove NIC from a VM

I don't know if nic hotplug works on windows. Certainly a reboot would.
Anyone with a windows VM want to try adding a nic manually to a running VM?

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 2:18 PM, Hari Kannan <> wrote:

> Thank you Marcus -
> Regarding documentation, if we can provide at least a high level blurb 
> on one or two sample OS-es, it would be great Regarding OS support, 
> just wanted to check if it is possible on Windows OS also?
> Hari
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marcus Sorensen []
> Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 1:03 PM
> To:
> Cc: Chiradeep Vittal; Brian Angus
> Subject: Re: Review Request: API commands to add or remove NIC from a 
> VM
> On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 12:30 AM, Hari Kannan <
> >wrote:
> I think you're right on #1, that if you create a VM via API you can 
> add multiple nics to the same network so long as you're not using a 
> VPC. I don't know for sure off the top of my head though
> > 2. Earlier, Marcus had stated that " It doesn't strictly require a 
> > reboot, but it does require that you apply a network config. The nic 
> > will hot plug but you either have to reboot or manually trigger a 
> > dhcp query " - wish to reconfirm this to be the case - also, can you 
> > please provide a short note on how to do this, so we can add it to 
> > the
> documentation?
> >
> We could give some basic examples, but it's largely going to come down 
> to specific OS, for example with linux, it could change by 
> distribution based on the udev rules, the config file locations, dhcp client 
> differences, etc.
> It would be up to the admin of the VM guest to know how to set up a 
> network card on their guest OS.
> > 3. Can you please confirm this is possible for any OS (windows/Linux)?
> >
> Worst case is that the OS doesn't recognize the new NIC without a reboot.
> So either you make them power the VM off always before adding a NIC, 
> or let them try to add the NIC and they can reboot if the OS doesn't 
> support it.
> > 4. is there any UI component developed for this?
> >
> No, I think there is a team who specializes in this. I was thinking 
> the other day that the UI will likely always lag behind the API in 
> features, because new features won't get time to be implemented in UI on each 
> release.

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