On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 12:54 PM, Sebastien Goasguen <run...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Animesh,
> So now I am confused with all those [VOTE] threads…
> Are we voting on each proposed donation separately from the docs or is the 
> docs included within the vote.

Animesh - This "vote" was only specific to the artifacts referenced in
the initial call for a vote.  I don't think it's appropriate to add
material after the fact.

> for 297, the docs needs some work…the first sentence makes it sound like this 
> will allow users to log into Cloudstack mgt server using keys.

Sebastien - My personal opinion is that we should be OK accepting and
then improving it as different discussions.  Fair?

> So I vote -1 on the 297 docs…but +1 on the feature.
> -Sebastien
> On Jan 17, 2013, at 6:50 PM, Animesh Chaturvedi 
> <animesh.chaturv...@citrix.com> wrote:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Harikrishna Patnala [mailto:harikrishna.patn...@citrix.com]
>>> Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 6:22 AM
>>> To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
>>> Subject: [VOTE] Accept a donation of Reset SSH Key to access a VM in
>>> CloudStack from Citrix
>>> Hi,
>>> I'd like to start the process of IP Clearance for CLOUDSTACK-
>>> 297<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-297>: Reset SSH key
>>> to access VM (Similar to reset password)
>>> Citrix would like to donate this code to Apache Cloudstack.
>>> With this new API command resetSSHKeyForVirtualMachine, a user can set or
>>> reset the SSH keypair assigned to a virtual machine. With the addition of 
>>> this
>>> feature, a lost or compromised SSH keypair can be changed, and the user can
>>> access the VM by using the new keypair. Just create or register a new 
>>> keypair,
>>> then call resetSSHKeyForVirtualMachine.
>>> Here are the corresponding links,
>>> The checksum (md5) for the patch is:
>>> 00a99ca408d661154eb22c0268bfcd8f *0001-CLOUDSTACK-297-Reset-SSH-key-
>>> to-access-VM.patch
>>> The review request link is:
>>> https://reviews.apache.org/r/8905/
>>> The related Jira ticket at:
>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-297
>>> The function spec is at:
>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/Reset+SSH+key+Fun
>>> ctional+Spec?moved=true
>>> The previous discussion happened on:
>>> http://markmail.org/message/7gmppexnmewjedrw
>> [Animesh>] Doc Link : http://people.apache.org/~jtomechak/CLOUDSTACK-297/
>>> Thank you,
>>> Harikrishna

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