+1 on ENI-compatibility.
Note that there is more than just CLOUDSTACK-645
- with ENI you can have multiple Ips per ENI
- with ENI the security group is attached to the nic instead of the vm
- there's additional APIs obviously to manage the lifecycle.

On 1/10/13 8:36 AM, "Simon Waterhouse" <simon.waterho...@eu.citrix.com>

>There is an issue https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-645 to
>add/remove a network on VM.
>I would like to alter the interface proposed so we instead add methods to
>explicitly create/destroy a NIC and attach/detach it from a VM - the
>feature would then be directly analogous to the AWS Elastic Network
>I am a newcomer to CloudStack development, but I would be happy to take
>on some work in this area (write feature spec, implement API methods
>etc.) to build upon the work contributed by Marcus and team  - from what
>I can see from CLOUDSTACK-645 much of the required functionality is
>already in place; I am just suggesting we expose it in a slightly
>different way...

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