+1 on the feature and comments below.

> *As a core native format*, what do people think of Oasis TOSCA's XML
> vocabulary [1] ?  I've worked with it for a while, and it has the right 
> general
> concepts I think we'd need, done well, and in a way which won't bite us
> down the line.  (Alex Huang, in answer to your question, I strongly suspect
> that re-using cloudformation or vapp/OVF as _native_ will end up being too
> restrictive.)  It's not very user friendly, however, so we'd definitely 
> want...
> *    Easy-to-use description formats* layered on top of this:  AWS
> CloudFormation is an obvious desire; OVA/OVF/vApp could be useful; and
> personally I'd like to see a lightweight YAML dialect based on Cloudstack-
> specific concepts (to make it super-simple to create blueprints).

I like the CloudFormation JSON format, which is readable. I agree that it is 
difficult to take it exactly because the entities in AWS is different from 
CloudStack. We can use CloudFormation as a reference to create something native 
for CloudStack, and align as much as possible. In addition, we can implement 
import/export utilities for CloudFormation and OVF in the future.

As for TOSCA, there are quite a few PaaS vendors participating. The focus seems 
to be on software package deployment rather than creating multi-VM application 
deployment on IaaS (although the model is flexible enough to support both). It 
is in early stage. I am not sure if we should use this standard as the core 
native format for CloudStack. But I don't have much experience with TOSCA. So 
love to hear others' opinion.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Min Chen [mailto:min.c...@citrix.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 9:51 AM
> To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] PaaS Enablement: Composite Application Blueprints
> (#576)
> +1 on this feature to extend CloudStack from pure IaaS to PaaS or SaaS
> area. Some questions in my mind:
> 1) Does your proposed blueprint only contain functional component
> description or contain both functional and deployment aspects? For
> example, for a 3-tier app containing three functional components like web
> tier, server, and DB, users can define different deployment models for the
> same functional components, like small deployment (co-hosting all
> components on one VM), or medium or large deployment.
> 2) Have you thought of creating Service offerings from your defined
> blueprints? This may allow CloudStack to provide some SaaS functionalities.
> 3) As for blueprint description language, easy-to-read and easy-to-edit by
> human being should be necessary if we don't provide any visual GUI tools to
> create/edit a blueprint. I have seen some JSON format before in BMC Cloud
> LifeCycle product 2.0.
> 4) For a multi-tier application, blueprint should not only describe different
> components, but also connections among those components, like open port,
> LB and FW rules among them. I assume that your blueprint is also taking that
> into consideration, and your backend orchestration layer can provide enough
> flexibility to provision any such app, seems not an easy task to me since I am
> new to CS.
> 5) From a normal user perspective, I would really love to see a GUI tool
> developed around this to allow user to visually create/edit a multi-tier app
> blueprint instead of using a TextEditor.
> Thanks
> -min
> On 1/8/13 6:34 AM, "Alex Heneveld" <alex.henev...@cloudsoftcorp.com>
> wrote:
> >
> >Thanks for all the comments and support so far!  Great to have so much
> >interest and especially so many volunteers.
> >
> >Some of the main points in my mind, on the discussion so far:
> >
> >*"A new unit of deployment"* is a perfect description of this, Chris.
> >And +1 to once it is deployed mapping it on to "projects" -- seems like
> >a good fit to me, although I'm no projects expert.  Thoughts?
> >
> >*The description format* is crucial to this feature's success, I think.
> >For me priorities are to make it simple to use and simple to
> >understand, and to align / be compatible with standards where feasible.
> >But there are multiple choices as people have noted.  The logical
> >architecture to me would be a core description format which is an
> >extensible standard, with some easy-to-use formats available on top of
> these.
> >*As a core native format*, what do people think of Oasis TOSCA's XML
> >vocabulary [1] ?  I've worked with it for a while, and it has the right
> >general concepts I think we'd need, done well, and in a way which won't
> >bite us down the line.  (Alex Huang, in answer to your question, I
> >strongly suspect that re-using cloudformation or vapp/OVF as _native_
> >will end up being too restrictive.)  It's not very user friendly,
> >however, so we'd definitely want...
> >*    Easy-to-use description formats* layered on top of this:  AWS
> >CloudFormation is an obvious desire; OVA/OVF/vApp could be useful; and
> >personally I'd like to see a lightweight YAML dialect based on
> >Cloudstack-specific concepts (to make it super-simple to create
> >blueprints).
> >     Disclaimer:  I'm just suggesting this for discussion.  I'm not at
> >all sure what is "right"; I'm just sure it's important to get it close
> >to right!
> >
> >*The API *portion I think is straightforward.  It's REST, you can list
> >'em, upload new ones, delete, and get info (on templates).  Perhaps in
> >time you could extend.  For deployed instances, it's just the Projects
> >     DMTF CIMI model & REST draft [2] (thanks for the pointer Chris) is
> >a good guide to functionality/concepts but I think not as far as API
> >goes?  Wouldn't people want the API to be consistent with the rest of
> >cloudstack API?  (But a CIMI skin, e.g. deltaclouds, mapping on to the
> >blueprints API in cloudstack, that I like.)
> >
> >*The GUI* is something that hasn't been discussed much.  What should
> >this look like?  A searchable library (like for VMs) seems the obvious
> >choice, as a separate module in the CS GUI, populated by uploading
> >description files as noted above?  All using the REST API of course.
> >(And in time there might be "designer" features where you can
> >build/extend blueprints in the GUI.)  Once deployed things they appear
> >as projects, perhaps extending that GUI+API to support additional info
> >for things which come from blueprints.  Is that what people were thinking?
> >
> >*On the topic of in-guest automation,* +1 to calling this out as a
> >separate _task_, but is it by itself a feature?  I see it as a code
> >library -- which this blueprints feature obviously needs, and which
> >should be modular, and which would be useful for other features (e.g.
> >possibly having GUI hooks where a user can right click on a VM and
> >invoke in-guest automation, assuming password hasn't changed).  But the
> >use case of defining a VM with files installed and a command invoked
> >would be handled by a simple blueprint.  So I think add such a use
> >case, and make sure this library is modular, but not sure it should be
> >a separate feature. (Unless there is a precedent for "developer
> >features" ?)
> >
> >*As for PaaS* total agreement here that PaaS-enablement is just a use
> >case -- an important one -- but the feature itself is independent of
> >PaaS and useful in non PaaS.
> >
> >*For planning, more generally, *(and again answering Alex Huang's other
> >question) once we have some support and consensus (which we're starting
> >to get) I think we definitely need to phase in the features, and break
> >those in to smaller tasks.  There is a lot here.  Ideally I'd like to
> >identify some core where we could get something indicative pretty
> >quickly (a couple months) then adjust this in response to feedback, and
> >build upon it for additional features.  (This bit at least isn't
> >controversial, is it?!)
> >
> >Thanks folks and please keep it coming.
> >
> >--A
> >
> >[1] http://docs.oasis-open.org/tosca/TOSCA/v1.0/TOSCA-v1.0.html
> >[2]
> >http://dmtf.org/sites/default/files/standards/documents/DSP0263_1.0.0a.
> >pdf
> >
> >
> >On 08/01/2013 07:50, Mohammad Nour El-Din wrote:
> >> Big +1
> >>
> >> I would also take the chance mentioning that I would like to help
> >> coding wise and planning also if/when possible
> >>
> >> Allow me to take this thread one step further and say that I can see
> >>at  least an initial consensus if not a good enough one to start
> >>taking it into  a one or more separate threads where we can discuss
> >>more planning and  technical details
> >>
> >> Thoughts ?
> >>
> >> On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 7:25 AM, Koushik Das <koushik....@citrix.com>
> >>wrote:
> >>
> >>> +1 to the feature.
> >>> This will definitely help in doing initial application prototype and
> >>>testing on a test cloud and once everything is tuned up properly the
> >>>application can be exported as a package and imported to a production
> >>>cloud  and with minimal configuration changes should be up and
> >>>running.
> >>>
> >>> -Koushik
> >>>
> >>>> -----Original Message-----
> >>>> From: Alex Heneveld [mailto:alex.henev...@cloudsoftcorp.com]
> >>>> Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2013 3:34 AM
> >>>> To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
> >>>> Subject: [DISCUSS] PaaS Enablement: Composite Application
> >>>> Blueprints
> >>>> (#576)
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Hi All,
> >>>>
> >>>> At the CCC, and in jira [1] late last year, we started discussing
> >>>> this
> >>> feature
> >>>> request, but going foward we'd like to get broader feedback.  A
> >>>> couple
> >>> folks
> >>>> have suggested we bring it back to the mailing list to get this.
> >>>>
> >>>> In brief, we're responding to a desire for high-level composite
> >>> blueprints on
> >>>> top of Cloudstack.  For instance:
> >>>>
> >>>>       (a) An app team wants to have a single entity in Cloudstack
> >>>>which  represents their application,
> >>>>           consisting of a load-balancer, a scalable appserver tier,
> >>>>and a
> >>> SQL
> >>>> database
> >>>>
> >>>>       (b) A middleware team wants to have a mechanism for
> >>>> describing a
> >>> PaaS
> >>>> which they can
> >>>>           deploy, manage (e.g. scale out, back), track costs, and
> >>>>destroy
> >>> as a unit
> >>>> in Cloudstack
> >>>>
> >>>> These get mapped on to Cloudstack components (IaaS and services),
> >>>>but  what distinguishes them from Projects is that they are reusable
> >>>>portable  definitions.  This is similar to what VMware have in vApp
> >>>>and AWS in  CloudFormation; but there is (so far) a preference to
> >>>>base these around  CloudStack concepts and have them accessible in
> >>>>the GUI.
> >>>>
> >>>> Cloudsoft (me and others here) want to work on this, together with
> >>>>like-
> >>>> minded folks.
> >>>>
> >>>> Here are some feature ideas for starters:
> >>>>
> >>>> * IaaS mapping
> >>>> - ability to refer to specific templates and offerings (eg
> >>>> id="1234")
> >>>> - ability to refer to portable descriptions of templates and
> >>>> offerings
> >>> (eg
> >>>> os("ubuntu"), userdata("myappsrv"), minram("2gb"))
> >>>> - ability to define subnets, DNS, public IP and firewall rules
> >>>>
> >>>> * Wiring
> >>>> - ability to write files to VM's with permissions, mode, etc
> >>>> - ability to embed references to other blueprint entities (ie other
> >>>>VM
> >>>> IP's/hostnames) in such files
> >>>> - ability to execute commands on VM's, with order constraints
> >>>> - ability to use puppet/chef/bash/juju/cartridges/brooklyn (e.g.
> >>>>via the  above capabilities)
> >>>>
> >>>> * Management
> >>>> - ability to access blueprints and deployments via REST and via GUI
> >>>> - ability to define clusters and groups of entities (which could be
> >>> scaled)
> >>>> - ability to deploy policies (eg elasticity, HA/DR logic) to
> >>>> various
> >>> management
> >>>> systems
> >>>>
> >>>> What would you like to see?  Would you be able to help?
> >>>>
> >>>> Many thanks,
> >>>> Alex
> >>>>
> >>>> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-576
> >>>
> >>
> >

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