+1 to the feature.
This will definitely help in doing initial application prototype and testing on 
a test cloud and once everything is tuned up properly the application can be 
exported as a package and imported to a production cloud and with minimal 
configuration changes should be up and running.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alex Heneveld [mailto:alex.henev...@cloudsoftcorp.com]
> Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2013 3:34 AM
> To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: [DISCUSS] PaaS Enablement: Composite Application Blueprints
> (#576)
> Hi All,
> At the CCC, and in jira [1] late last year, we started discussing this feature
> request, but going foward we'd like to get broader feedback.  A couple folks
> have suggested we bring it back to the mailing list to get this.
> In brief, we're responding to a desire for high-level composite blueprints on
> top of Cloudstack.  For instance:
>      (a) An app team wants to have a single entity in Cloudstack which
> represents their application,
>          consisting of a load-balancer, a scalable appserver tier, and a SQL
> database
>      (b) A middleware team wants to have a mechanism for describing a PaaS
> which they can
>          deploy, manage (e.g. scale out, back), track costs, and destroy as a 
> unit
> in Cloudstack
> These get mapped on to Cloudstack components (IaaS and services), but
> what distinguishes them from Projects is that they are reusable portable
> definitions.  This is similar to what VMware have in vApp and AWS in
> CloudFormation; but there is (so far) a preference to base these around
> CloudStack concepts and have them accessible in the GUI.
> Cloudsoft (me and others here) want to work on this, together with like-
> minded folks.
> Here are some feature ideas for starters:
> * IaaS mapping
> - ability to refer to specific templates and offerings (eg id="1234")
> - ability to refer to portable descriptions of templates and offerings (eg
> os("ubuntu"), userdata("myappsrv"), minram("2gb"))
> - ability to define subnets, DNS, public IP and firewall rules
> * Wiring
> - ability to write files to VM's with permissions, mode, etc
> - ability to embed references to other blueprint entities (ie other VM
> IP's/hostnames) in such files
> - ability to execute commands on VM's, with order constraints
> - ability to use puppet/chef/bash/juju/cartridges/brooklyn (e.g. via the
> above capabilities)
> * Management
> - ability to access blueprints and deployments via REST and via GUI
> - ability to define clusters and groups of entities (which could be scaled)
> - ability to deploy policies (eg elasticity, HA/DR logic) to various 
> management
> systems
> What would you like to see?  Would you be able to help?
> Many thanks,
> Alex
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-576

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