On 04-Jan-2013, at 12:45 PM, Chip Childers <chip.child...@sungard.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Rohit Yadav <rohit.ya...@citrix.com> wrote:
>> Yes we agreed to do cloudmonkey updates on pypi alongwith CloudStack 
>> releases, I don't understand what you mean by syncing any updates to pypi?
>> Right now the releases I've done via pypi are not part of any acs release 
>> and I upload a new src tarball on pypi everytime there are significant 
>> changes (if you see, it would be once every 3-4 weeks). Also, these releases 
>> are not voted and I do them out of my interest and free time for community, 
>> hence mentioned as community releases.
>> Pl. read my previous email following your question (syncing updates), what I 
>> asked was:
>> a. We want to continue doing community releases on pypi to sync updates so 
>> the users get latest and greatest changes.
>> b. We want to stop community releases and make pypi account/releases 
>> maintained by PMC/committers so it's used to do official/voted/signed 
>> releases of cloudmonkey alongwith ACS releases.
> IMO (and I'm really looking for others to chime in and express
> opinions here too), we should really only update pypi following an
> official CloudStack release process.  To me, it's similar to the RPM /
> DEB repos that Wido maintains.  Those are distribution points for the
> project, although technically not Apache CloudStack release artifacts,
> that are updated when we do a source code release.

The only problem I see when doing cloudmonkey releases with CloudStack releases 
is that CloudStack release cycles will be long, pypi releases may miss some of 
the useful changes which may be frequent enough.

> Then again, you (and me, because you're nice) are the one that
> controls that pypi project.  If you completely disagree, then that's
> fine.  I'm not trying to box you in or anything.  I just wanted to see
> if it would make sense to help keep the users clear about where and
> what is going on with things.  Make sense?

Meh, I don't care about the pypi, it's just a place to distribute python 
Any contributor, committer or PMC member who is interested, is welcome to join 
the pypi project as owner or admin to maintain and release cloudmonkey via 
cheese shop. (unless anyone goes wild, it's all good :)

> Another idea:  we have been discussing on other threads the idea of
> adding other git repos within Apache infra.  Perhaps we should break
> Marvin and CloudMonkey out as separate repos, and allow them to follow
> a different schedule for source code releases.

I've been thinking of the same as well. With git we can have sub repos, or 
modules. So, you place a git repo inside others. So, we can breakout parts of 
source (while retaining their history/changes) to separate git repos, good 
candidates are docs (exclude apidocs), cloudmonkey, devcloud, systemvm builder 
script/code, aws-api etc. This way they can be developed separately either on 
asf infra or some place on github etc.

I'm inclined towards *not breaking the repo* in separate repos, but yes at 
least the indirect (usage or dependency wise) pieces and *new pieces* which 
don't really require CloudStack can broken out, cloudmonkey for sure qualifies.

This way CloudStack codebase can still have pointers [1] to other git repos. 
So, one can do git submodule init/update etc.
Rightnow to build marvin and cloudmonkey they are required within the src as 
they read commands.xml to generate cloudstackAPI python boilerplate api classes 
and pre cache api info for cloudmonkey.

In future after work in api_refactoring is merged, I'm planning to implement a 
plugin which gives an api to load available api info for a user (apiname, 
endpoints, descp, help docs, param info etc.) from the mgmt server on the fly 
(hence no preaching required). If this works, changes in apis won't affect 
cloudmonkey or any client which implements in a generic way (functional 
programming ftw!) and clients (cloudmonkey, marvin) can be extracted out of 
CloudStack and be developed as separate projects.

[1] http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Tools-Submodules

> thoughts?
>> Regards.
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Chip Childers [chip.child...@sungard.com]
>> Sent: Friday, January 04, 2013 8:04 PM
>> To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: Tabularize the cloudmonkey response
>> On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 5:23 PM, Rohit Yadav <rohit.ya...@citrix.com> wrote:
>>> Sure, the pypi community release 4.0.0-2 
>>> (http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/c/cloudmonkey/cloudmonkey-4.0.0-2.tar.gz#md5=6125f804bc1dec4447df1e1b48a7d85b)
>>>  has the latest changes with tabular output etc. I can upload the latest 
>>> tar ball that would make it 4.0.0-3?
>>> Or, for project releases, should we do a 4.0.1 release for cloudmonkey when 
>>> CloudStack releases after voting etc. or should we go ahead with the 
>>> community releases (4.0.0-x, cloudmonkey versions are like this: major 
>>> cloudstack version hyphen last cloudmonkey revision+1) before the actual 
>>> release?
>> I thought we agreed that cloudmonkey updates to pypi would be part of
>> the overall cloudstack release process.  Specifically, it's only
>> updated when we release a new source release.  This would align with
>> the DEB and RPM package release process, and we may end up doing
>> something similar with maven artifacts as well.
>>> Regards.
>>> On 03-Jan-2013, at 12:38 PM, Chip Childers <chip.child...@sungard.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hey Rohit,
>>>> I think that we should probably be syncing any updates to cloudmonkey
>>>> on pypi with project releases.  What do you think?
>>>> On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 8:00 PM, Rohit Yadav <rohit.ya...@citrix.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> If you want to have the tabularized output, upgrade using: pip install 
>>>>> --upgrade cloudmonkey
>>>>> Updated wiki, see tabular output usage on wiki:
>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/CloudStack+cloudmonkey+CLI
>>>>> Regards.
>>>>> On 20-Dec-2012, at 4:37 PM, "Rohit Yadav (JIRA)" <j...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>   [ 
>>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-545?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel
>>>>>>  ]
>>>>>> Rohit Yadav resolved CLOUDSTACK-545.
>>>>>> ------------------------------------
>>>>>>  Resolution: Fixed
>>>>>>    Assignee: Rohit Yadav
>>>>>> Fixed on master:
>>>>>> CLOUDSTACK-545: Tabularize cloudmonkey's response using filter=<fields,> 
>>>>>> argument
>>>>>> authorRohit Yadav <bhais...@apache.org>
>>>>>> Fri, 21 Dec 2012 00:28:32 +0000 (16:28 -0800)
>>>>>> committerRohit Yadav <bhais...@apache.org>
>>>>>> Fri, 21 Dec 2012 00:33:08 +0000 (16:33 -0800)
>>>>>> commit8f51c630bdb874f9522ec3873c881b1c4e7cfdf7
>>>>>>> Tabularize the cloudmonkey response
>>>>>>> -----------------------------------
>>>>>>>              Key: CLOUDSTACK-545
>>>>>>>              URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-545
>>>>>>>          Project: CloudStack
>>>>>>>       Issue Type: Bug
>>>>>>>   Security Level: Public(Anyone can view this level - this is the 
>>>>>>> default.)
>>>>>>>       Components: Cloudmonkey, Test Tools
>>>>>>>         Reporter: Prasanna Santhanam
>>>>>>>         Assignee: Rohit Yadav
>>>>>>>      Attachments: 
>>>>>>> 0001-cli-cloudmonkey-tabular-output-and-result-view-filte.patch
>>>>>>> cloudmonkey responses would be more sensible and easier on the eye if 
>>>>>>> they can look tabular similar to the ec2 tools. enhance cloudmonkey to 
>>>>>>> support tabular formatting instead of sequential lists of the response
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
>>>>>> If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact your JIRA 
>>>>>> administrators
>>>>>> For more information on JIRA, see: http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira

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