Yes we agreed to do cloudmonkey updates on pypi alongwith CloudStack releases, 
I don't understand what you mean by syncing any updates to pypi?

Right now the releases I've done via pypi are not part of any acs release and I 
upload a new src tarball on pypi everytime there are significant changes (if 
you see, it would be once every 3-4 weeks). Also, these releases are not voted 
and I do them out of my interest and free time for community, hence mentioned 
as community releases.

Pl. read my previous email following your question (syncing updates), what I 
asked was:

a. We want to continue doing community releases on pypi to sync updates so the 
users get latest and greatest changes.
b. We want to stop community releases and make pypi account/releases maintained 
by PMC/committers so it's used to do official/voted/signed releases of 
cloudmonkey alongwith ACS releases.


From: Chip Childers []
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2013 8:04 PM
Subject: Re: Tabularize the cloudmonkey response

On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 5:23 PM, Rohit Yadav <> wrote:
> Sure, the pypi community release 4.0.0-2 
> (
>  has the latest changes with tabular output etc. I can upload the latest tar 
> ball that would make it 4.0.0-3?
> Or, for project releases, should we do a 4.0.1 release for cloudmonkey when 
> CloudStack releases after voting etc. or should we go ahead with the 
> community releases (4.0.0-x, cloudmonkey versions are like this: major 
> cloudstack version hyphen last cloudmonkey revision+1) before the actual 
> release?

I thought we agreed that cloudmonkey updates to pypi would be part of
the overall cloudstack release process.  Specifically, it's only
updated when we release a new source release.  This would align with
the DEB and RPM package release process, and we may end up doing
something similar with maven artifacts as well.

> Regards.
> On 03-Jan-2013, at 12:38 PM, Chip Childers <> wrote:
>> Hey Rohit,
>> I think that we should probably be syncing any updates to cloudmonkey
>> on pypi with project releases.  What do you think?
>> On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 8:00 PM, Rohit Yadav <> wrote:
>>> If you want to have the tabularized output, upgrade using: pip install 
>>> --upgrade cloudmonkey
>>> Updated wiki, see tabular output usage on wiki:
>>> Regards.
>>> On 20-Dec-2012, at 4:37 PM, "Rohit Yadav (JIRA)" <> wrote:
>>>>    [ 
>>>>  ]
>>>> Rohit Yadav resolved CLOUDSTACK-545.
>>>> ------------------------------------
>>>>   Resolution: Fixed
>>>>     Assignee: Rohit Yadav
>>>> Fixed on master:
>>>> CLOUDSTACK-545: Tabularize cloudmonkey's response using filter=<fields,> 
>>>> argument
>>>> authorRohit Yadav <>
>>>> Fri, 21 Dec 2012 00:28:32 +0000 (16:28 -0800)
>>>> committerRohit Yadav <>
>>>> Fri, 21 Dec 2012 00:33:08 +0000 (16:33 -0800)
>>>> commit8f51c630bdb874f9522ec3873c881b1c4e7cfdf7
>>>>> Tabularize the cloudmonkey response
>>>>> -----------------------------------
>>>>>               Key: CLOUDSTACK-545
>>>>>               URL:
>>>>>           Project: CloudStack
>>>>>        Issue Type: Bug
>>>>>    Security Level: Public(Anyone can view this level - this is the 
>>>>> default.)
>>>>>        Components: Cloudmonkey, Test Tools
>>>>>          Reporter: Prasanna Santhanam
>>>>>          Assignee: Rohit Yadav
>>>>>       Attachments: 
>>>>> 0001-cli-cloudmonkey-tabular-output-and-result-view-filte.patch
>>>>> cloudmonkey responses would be more sensible and easier on the eye if 
>>>>> they can look tabular similar to the ec2 tools. enhance cloudmonkey to 
>>>>> support tabular formatting instead of sequential lists of the response
>>>> --
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>>>> If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact your JIRA 
>>>> administrators
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