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Review request for cloudstack.


Oh maven *sigh*. The combination of a system of transitive dependencies and the 
ability of pom files to inject (broken) repository information into the lookup 
process sometimes result in a situation where maven attempts to download 
artefacts from the wrong server.  This typically happens over and over again 
and slows down maven runs significantly. 

This is even more annoying when the artefacts downloaded most certainly isn't 

The attached patch fixes three such problems that I can reproduce locally. The 
pattern of adding excludes elements to maven dependency references is already 
used in cloudstack. Newer versions of the dependencies removed are added in 
other ways to the cloudstack dependency graph.


  awsapi/pom.xml 2e42655 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/8809/diff/



Noa Resare

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