On Dec 7, 2012, at 11:45 PM, Kelcey Damage (BBITS) <kel...@bbits.ca> wrote:

> So is this worth automating? If yes, how can I help?

Hi Kelcey, sorry for the late answer.

Automation of this is a bit tricky I think. First there is a *huge* dependency 
on the actual translation. Right now only the japanese translation is worth 
building. So we need translators…

Second to use transifex you need an account. Not everyone will be able to sync 
our docs with the transifex site. That's why there is no pot and po files in 
the repo. Even though I think we should commit the pot directory.

The big thing is to keep the .tx/config file in sync with all the xml files in 
docs/en-US . publican update_pot and the transifex push are supposed to do that 
nicely but I think this is going to require quite a bit of hand holding.

Here is some bash that I used to create the .tx/config. acs_docs_seb needs to 
be set to ACS_DOCS to use the "official" cloudstack transifex repo.


for file in `ls pot | grep .pot`; do
    resource=`basename $file .pot`
    tx set -t PO --auto-local -r acs_docs_seb.$resource "<lang>/$resource.po" \
    --source-lang=en \
    --source-file "pot/$resource.pot" --execute

To push new pot files to transifex:

tx push -s (sends all resource to project,)

Maybe we should put this in the README. The bash lines basically do what your 
python scripts was doing.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sebastien Goasguen [mailto:run...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 2:43 PM
> To: cloudstack-us...@incubator.apache.org;
> cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: [DOCS] Doc translation with transifex client
> Hi,
> I just posted a how-to on translating the documentation from the command
> line, very cool :)
> http://sebgoa.blogspot.fr/2012/12/using-transifex-client-to-translate.html
> Of course you can use the Web interface as well:
> http://sebgoa.blogspot.fr/2012/11/translating-apache-cloudstack-docs-with.ht
> ml
> Help.please..!!!!!
> -Sebastien

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