Greetings. A quick bit of background, esp. as I'm effectively a "long time reader, first time poster" - I attended the collaboration conference over the past weekend, became involved in a discussion about ways to market an open source project, and subsequently volunteered myself to suggest/create a page that folks could contribute to that is essentially a "list of organizations using Apache Cloudstack." I am assuming the dev list is the optimal place for this discussion.
In my mind, there are a few benefits to providing this information: * Potential users coming to the project page can see concrete examples of real-world usage, which inspires confidence * Potential developers coming to the project page can see that their contributions would be well-used and loved. :) * Press folks seeking information about project usage can see a list of deployments, confirming their suspicions of awesomeness. It then occurred to me that it would be useful more generally to have a basic Marketing wiki page. So I was bold and made a quick one, and you can see it, and go crazy and edit it as well: So with the background out of the way - a few requests: * Feedback welcome - there is also a detail of "need to figure out a way to get things from the wiki to the webpage" WRT the user-list occasionally, if folks think this is generally a reasonable idea. (Also: I have no clue if this type of thing is kosher by ASF standards, so, uh, if it's not, delete away!) I'm not entirely certain that I can be that person, but it does seem like a low-volume item that could be done once a release if someone wanted to volunteer for that conversion/extension of list. * ADD INFORMATION! Preferably something you can specifically vouch for and feel like you have permission to do. ** Section for "Who uses Apache Cloudstack" ** Section for "How Apache Cloudstack is being used" (Presentations and such. I figure there may be a few of these after the past weekend!) * Since it's a marketing wiki page (after looking to make sure there wasn't one already existing - but there still may lurk duplicate info) - I figured some other elements might be useful: ** Release Announcements. I have no idea what the process is, who owns it, when it is due. This is useful stuff to have, esp. if the current owner ever wants to share duties. If someone is willing to fill this in, that would be awesome. ** What to do if someone's organization is listed and someone gets unhappy about that listing. Thoughts? ** Press people. I figure it's useful to point them somewhere, but not sure if there is an additional email address; I just pointed at the news link. Like I said - general feedback on if this is a good idea is welcome - I'm just being bold-wiki-person, but being woefully unfamiliar with ASF processes I want to make sure I'm not stepping on toes or anything. :) Assuming I haven't totally done said toe-stepping, I figure a useful next step would be to mail the users list and see if anyone on that list is willing to add their name to such a list. (Side bonus: Some of them may be adding stuff to the wiki for a first-time mini-contribution!) Cheers, and congrats on a well-done conference - -robyn