This is a really good question.  I'm not good with maven but I'll attempt to 
answer this.  To debug in the master branch, you have to do the following.

Let's say you normally run with

Mvn -pl client jetty:run

Instead, you type the following
mvndebug -pl client jetty:run

This starts with the jvm in debug mode and the port at 8000.  Then you can use 
eclipse to setup the attach to the jvm at port 8000.

One thing about this is that the maven process won't run until the debugger is 
attached.  I often find that annoying.  Most of them time I just want to attach 
when I need to.  Most of the time what I'm debugging is not during the startup 
of the process so I don't need it.  For that, I do the following.

Cd %M2_HOME%\bin
Cp mvnDebug.bat mvnd.bat
Notepad mvnd.bat

Search for 'server=y' and change the 'y' to 'n'.

Now you can do

mvnd -pl client jetty:run


From: Jessica Wang
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2012 4:24 PM
To: Alex Huang
Subject: For apache branch, what is port number you specify for debugging in 


For apache branch, what is port number you specify for debugging in eClipse?



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