On Sep 12, 2012, at 10:26 PM, Prachi Damle wrote: > -----Original Message----- > From: sebgoa [mailto:run...@gmail.com] > Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 7:50 PM > To: cloudstack > Subject: need advice on awsapi docs > > Hi, > > I am working on the new EC2 documentation. > The CloudPlatform doc that I am looking at, as well as other web pages > mention the script: cloudstack-aws-api-register > > for instance: > "Register the mapping from the X.509 certificate to the API/Secret keys. > Download the following script from > http://download.cloud.com/releases.3.0.3/cloudstack-aws-api-register and run > it. Substitute the values you obtained from the administrator in the URL > below." > > It's a Python script. The interesting function from the file download on the > web is: > > def register(url, api_key, secret_key, cert): > # Register API keys > query = 'accesskey=' + api_key + '&secretkey=' + secret_key > get_url(url, api_key, secret_key, 'SetUserKeys', query) > > # Tie Certifcate to API keys > query = 'cert=' + urllib.quote_plus(cert) > get_url(url, api_key, secret_key, 'SetCertificate', query) > > In the source it's at: awsapi-setup/setup/cloudstack-aws-api.register and the > function is: > > def register(url, api_key, secret_key, cert): > # Register API keys > query = 'accesskey=' + api_key + '&secretkey=' + secret_key > result = get_url(url, api_key, secret_key, 'SetUserKeys', query) > > if result == True: > # Tie Certifcate to API keys > query = 'cert=' + urllib.quote_plus(cert) > get_url(url, api_key, secret_key, 'SetCertificate', query) > > Currently, even if you only want to use the REST interface you will need to > register your cert. > > So couple things that I need advice on: > > 1-Do we make this script available on the web or in source ? If we choose the > web (like now), where should this script be (not on download.cloud.com I > presume) ? > we can't really expect users to download the source of CloudStack to > get a single python script. > [Rajesh Battala] > This script will be available as a command when user installs the cloud. > >>> [Prachi] I think the script should be made available for download for users >>> so that they don't have to pull the source code. I am not sure what >>> location we should use though.
I agree. You can get the script directly from git with: wget --no-check-certificate -O aws-register.py "https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=incubator-cloudstack.git;a=blob_plain;f=awsapi-setup/setup/cloudstack-aws-api-register;hb=HEAD" but that's kind of ugly. > > 2-The register function calls, SetUserKeys and SetCertificate. Does the REST > service work if we do not set the certificate ? > [Rajesh Battala] the script will work even if the certificate file is empty. > >>> [Prachi] The register script is used for user registration for both SOAP >>> and REST. > For REST, even if the cert is empty, it should not matter as REST API calls > do not use it anyways. Ok, but right now the script requires to pass a cert even if an empty one. I can work on a small patch to remove this requirement. What would be nice is to be able to do the registration on the UI, just like we generate the keys. > > thoughts, > > -Sebastien -Sebastien Goasguen Cloud Computing Evangelist, Citrix EMEA