-----Original Message-----
From: sebgoa [mailto:run...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 7:50 PM
To: cloudstack
Subject: need advice on awsapi docs


I am working on the new EC2 documentation.
The CloudPlatform doc that I am looking at, as well as other web pages mention 
the script: cloudstack-aws-api-register

for instance:
"Register the mapping from the X.509 certificate to the API/Secret keys. 
Download the following script from 
http://download.cloud.com/releases.3.0.3/cloudstack-aws-api-register and run 
it. Substitute the values you obtained from the administrator in the URL below."

It's a Python script. The interesting function from the file download on the 
web is:

def register(url, api_key, secret_key, cert):
    # Register API keys
    query = 'accesskey=' + api_key + '&secretkey=' + secret_key
    get_url(url, api_key, secret_key, 'SetUserKeys', query)

    # Tie Certifcate to API keys
    query = 'cert=' + urllib.quote_plus(cert)
    get_url(url, api_key, secret_key, 'SetCertificate', query)

In the source it's at: awsapi-setup/setup/cloudstack-aws-api.register and the 
function is:

def register(url, api_key, secret_key, cert):
    # Register API keys
    query = 'accesskey=' + api_key + '&secretkey=' + secret_key
    result = get_url(url, api_key, secret_key, 'SetUserKeys', query)

    if result == True:
            # Tie Certifcate to API keys
            query = 'cert=' + urllib.quote_plus(cert)
            get_url(url, api_key, secret_key, 'SetCertificate', query)

Currently, even if you only want to use the REST interface you will need to 
register your cert.

So couple things that I need advice on:

1-Do we make this script available on the web or in source ? If we choose the 
web (like now), where should this script be (not on download.cloud.com I 
presume) ?
        we can't really expect users to download the source of CloudStack to 
get a single python script.
[Rajesh Battala] 
This script will be available as a command when user installs the cloud. 

>>[Prachi] I think the script should be made available for download for users 
>>so that they don't have to pull the source code. I am not sure what location 
>>we should use though.

2-The register function calls, SetUserKeys and SetCertificate. Does the REST 
service work if we do not set the certificate ?
[Rajesh Battala]  the script will work even if the certificate file is empty. 

>>[Prachi] The register script is used for user registration for both SOAP and 
For REST, even if the cert is empty, it should not matter as REST API calls do 
not use it anyways.


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