On 08/23/2012 09:21 PM, Jessica Tomechak wrote:

Wido, the documentation is in one directory. The idea behind a flat
hierarchy was to make it easy to recombine the modules into various guides.
There are many sections that must be included both in the "installation"
guide and the "administration" guide, for example.

I think we misunderstood eachother. Since there is also a "runbook" I thought the idea was to create a separate documentation section with just an install guide.

More benefits: it makes it easier to refer from one module to another for
links and such. It reduces the chance that we end up with two versions of
the same information. You'd likely (or at least, possibly) notice that
there's already a file called "adding-a-pod" or whatever.

Yes, I get it! :)

To find out what's included in a given "book," drill down through the
levels of <include> starting from one of the main "book" files. If we need
a way to list the files per book, someone could write a script to iterate
through those <include>s.

We do need a naming convention to make it clear which files are the main
book files. Right now, I believe they all look like
"cloudstack_<something>.xml" so we could explicitly state that as a naming
convention if we like it.

Some of this is explained in the README in the /docs directory. It's also
discussed in the wiki.


Clear! Then I'm on the right way. Currently I'm working on most stuff in a local branch, I'll push something when it's ready.

I hoped to have this ready this week, but it has been a rather busy week for me.


Jessica T.
CloudStack Tech Pubs

I can't find any commits regarding this? Is this still in somebody's local



Jessica T.
CloudStack Tech Pubs

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 6:58 AM, sebgoa <run...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Jessica,

Can you share the .doc CP guide with us ?

It may actually be easier for me to work with the doc file than the



-Sebastien Goasguen
Cloud Computing Evangelist, Citrix EMEA

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