I have attached the most recent Installation Guide to the XML conversion
signup sheet. This is a Citrix CloudPlatform guide. Since Citrix has made a
release more recently than Apache, it contains fixes that should apply to
Apache CloudStack 4.0.


It's a .docx file, so please let me know if your version of MS Word has
difficulty opening it. Older versions can't cope.

Jessica T.
CloudStack Tech Pubs

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 6:58 AM, sebgoa <run...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Jessica,
> Can you share the .doc CP guide with us ?
> It may actually be easier for me to work with the doc file than the pdf.
> Thanks,
> -Sebastien
> -Sebastien Goasguen
> Cloud Computing Evangelist, Citrix EMEA

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