On 10/08/2012, at 8:59 AM, David Nalley <da...@gnsa.us> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> First, I apologize for bringing up another non-release related
> discussion topic.
> There have been a couple of times where the issue of the existing
> cloudstack.org email addresses have come up - and it's now on our todo
> list[1]
> == The current situation ==
> cloudstack.org currently provides email services via Google Apps for
> Domains. There are (guesstimate) less than 10 email addresses for
> cloudstack.org, most of them distribution aliases and the balance held
> by Citrix employees assigned to work on CloudStack full time.
> == The issue ==
> At some point in time, after we've migrated enough of our
> infrastructure to the ASF, the cloudstack.org domain will also be
> transferred. There seems to be a precedent of email aliases/addresses
> going away [2], such as what happened with openoffice.org addresses.
> As Shane points out in the below thread, there is an issue with
> non-committers holding 'resources' of an ASF project, etc. The other
> issue is that there are currently a number of 'group addresses' that
> exist and will need to be handled, and some proposed addresses (like
> security@cs.o) Finally, it seems that the ASF doesn't provide email
> service itself, but provides aliases.
> == Decision point ==
> As a project we need to decide what to do with CloudStack email
> service. Regardless of our decision, I want the timeline to be long
> enough to have minimal impact on people currently using those
> resources. I see a few options - there might be more, feel free to
> chime in with some.
> The options I see are:
> 1. Discontinue all cloudstack.org email service.
> 2. Provide only official - project specific emails aliases (think
> webmaster@, security@, etc.)
> 3. Provide both official project emails as well as committer email aliases.
> 4. Ask infra to let the project manage email service with Google Apps
> for domains, or some similar service.
> Obviously we are also bound by what infra guides us to, so one or more
> of these options might not really be an option, but I figured we'd try
> and get some consensus around this.
> Thoughts, comments, flames, other options?

A couple of extra data points for your discussion:
- for (2), while either way they'll forward to apache addresses, you should 
weigh up if you want to keep promoting them, or keep them as legacy and promote 
equivalent addresses created here (e.g. secur...@cloudstack.apache.org) - it's 
not all or nothing.
- the precedent with openoffice.org shutting down their forwarder would suggest 
(3) is not going to fly, though they did have some unique concerns that made it 
very different. You may be able to agree on a constrained proposal that is 
acceptable, if it is really necessary.
- (4) is unlikely to scale beyond the current legacy accounts, when you think 
about the potential number of committers here (let alone if it set a precedent 
for other projects). Does anyone really need another email account? :)

- Brett

Brett Porter

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