On 10/08/2012, at 12:53 AM, Prasanna Santhanam <prasanna.santha...@citrix.com> 

> There are no issues with the apache confluence. Probably better than
> wiki.cloudstack because it still does wiki markup rather than just
> rich text edits. Pages might look differently-formatted so wanted to
> alert people.

Ah, that's just because it is back on Confluence 3.x. So that might hinder your 
ability to import from the newer version - I'm not sure when ASF plans to 
upgrade but probably not on a timeline that suits what you're trying to do. 
Sorry for the misdirection.

If you can find a way around the version difference, the main thing I remember 
being a challenge was mapping users. I probably have some notes around if you 
bump into that.

- Brett

Brett Porter

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