Hi Olga , I read your comments on the Cloudstack wiki and I realized that you didn't have the replace .properties file in your override directory. When you manually create that , you got to set the DBROOTPW as well.
DBUSER=cloud DBPW=cloud DBROOTPW=cloud MSLOG=vmops.log APISERVERLOG=api.log DBHOST=localhost AGENTLOGDIR=logs AGENTLOG=logs/agent.log MSMNTDIR=/mnt COMPONENTS-SPEC=components-premium.xml AWSAPILOG=awsapi.log REMOTEHOST=localhost Regarding the JDBC exception which you are getting , the problem could be that the host name for the database server (defaulting to localhost) was resolving to IPv6 . For this , you might want to check that mysqld is running and you can connect to it. Also check what is in /etc/cloud/management/db.properties and verify it has the right IP and credentials for the database server. I know you don't have to deploy the db when making CSS /JS changes but prior to that you should have the working set up with db connectivity and the mysqld running. Let me know in case you have any problems. We'll try to resolve your problem at the earliest. Thanks, Pranav -----Original Message----- From: Olga Smola [mailto:olya.sm...@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 1:50 PM To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org; cloudstack-us...@incubator.apache.org Subject: CloudStack development environment Hi, Last weeks I had no activities as a committer, because I have a problem with development environment. When I started working on CloudStack I had remote deployed CloudStack that used real resources and it wasn't deployed by myself. I've got environment ready to use. On company I worked on we were waiting for the cloud computing project. CloudStack was a really good example to aware with cloud computing platform, so it was deployed as an example. Few weeks later project was declined. Despite the fact that the project was canceled I decided to work on Cloud Stack in my free time because it is interesting to me. Some time I had access to the remote CloudStack, but now I have no access to it. First at all I tried to setup environment following the steps from http://wiki.cloudstack.org/display/dev/Setting+up+Cloudstack+dev+environment+on+Windows. But I couldn't add host. Then I tried to use DevCloud from http://wiki.cloudstack.org/display/COMM/DevCloud. And it was success when I use DevCloud image without any updates. But to fix something from VPC for example it was needed to use source from master branch so that I followed steps from DevCloud manual step 8 ("As a developer, you may want to push your modified code into DevCloud, and test..."). Then I've permanently stuckbecause after redeploying I can't create host any more. After rdelopydb I have no test data and can't create a host. Without rdeploydb CS isn't working because as I see db structure on the DevCloud image and from master branch are different. Also I have comments here http://wiki.cloudstack.org/display/COMM/DevCloud#comment-thread-11829594. For me as for UI developer and windows user it's very difficult to setup CloudStack dev environment, because I'm not skilled in things like deploying. I would like to help with bug fixing and other UI things but I can't. Anybody could help to me? Best regards, Olga