Mark, thanks for sharing your thoughts.   I was at OSCON and thought CloudStack 
had a good booth.  Everybody loved the monkey shirts!   I'd also suggest 
getting some cards or some such thing with the URL.  If I recall 
correctly the monkey shirt does not have the URL.  People wanted to know where 
to go to download the binary.

Also, I assume all community members are welcome to staff the booth for Apache 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hinkle Mark R. []
> Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 11:19 AM
> To:
> Subject: CloudStack Events Plans
> Hello,
> Before CloudStack became Apache CloudStack we kept a pretty aggressive
> events schedule focused on evangelism and education of users on how to
> deploy CloudStack clouds primarily at open source venues (e.g. Linuxcon,
> Linuxfests), via free webinars and cloud computing events. Typically these
> events were organized by David Nalley and I and underwritten by Citrix but
> conducted under the CloudStack brand. I would like to continue to do this as
> appropriate with Apache CloudStack. <>
> We now have additional evangelists (like Joe Brockmeier and Sebastien
> Goasguen) dedicated to promoting and aiding the Apache CloudStack project
> 100% of the time as well as other committers and developers we would like
> to leverage. We also want want to get the broader Apache CloudStack
> community involved in not only the development but the promotion of the
> software. I created this wiki page <> with some
> proposed plans to promote Apache CloudStack for the rest of the year and I
> am soliciting input, support, PMC approval and if need be flames.
> We also want to whenever possible support other members of the
> community at their events when they promote CloudStack. I am not sure
> what that could mean but if anyone needs assistance or has ideas let me
> know (at the very least I can probably help cover the pizza and beer;).
> Thanks, Mark
> Mark R. Hinkle
> Senior Director, Cloud Computing Community Citrix
> e:
> twitter: @mrhinkle
> w:
> Join us on #cloudstack

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