
Since I am new to Cloudstack and Apache like projects, I was looking at the 
process for submitting a very small patch (e.g typo, one-liner, license header)

The wiki page on how to use git o contribute to Cloudstack has a section for 


This is a bit confusing to me, so I would like to get some feedback from the 
more seasoned developper and committers:

1-Does every patch needs to be submitted in response to a filed bug ?
2-Do we got through https://reviews.apache.org ?
3-The wiki mentions sending the patch to dev mailing list with subject [PATCH] 
but that's not what I have seen in the last few weeks ?
4-What's the best way to use git to prepare a small patch (e.g docs typo, 
one-liner ...etc), do we really need to create a branch ? how does it get 
resolved locally once the patch is accepted ?

It would be nice to agree on a clear worfklow for non-committers (and newbies 
like me) so we can get some people in the mix and graduate to committers...

Thoughts anyone ?


-Sebastien Goasguen
Apache Cloudstack Evangelist

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