> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chip Childers [mailto:chip.child...@sungard.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 9:49 AM
> To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
> Cc: David Nalley
> Subject: Re: [RFC] DevCloud, an all-in-one-box CloudStack development
> environment
> On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 6:36 PM, Edison Su <edison...@citrix.com> wrote:
> > The base image is easy to be created:
> > 1. Ubuntu 12.04 server, fresh installation, few things need to take
> into consideration:
> >     1) Devcloud vm disk size, is about 20G
> >     2) During installation, disk partition should be look like this:
> >        Root partition: need a separate /opt partition on LVM, which
> is used as primary storage and secondary storage. Created on LVM, so
> the partition can be extended easily if needed.
> >     3) The default installed packages: select SSH server.
> Done, including the VirtualBox Guest Additions kernel modules (so that
> vagrant can work).
> >     The Vagrant can not act as
> https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/jeos-and-vmbuilder.html ? If
> it can automate Ubuntu OS installation itself, that will be great...
> I haven't really thought about how to build the "base box" yet, but
> that's an infrequent event really.

At least we'd have a document about how to setup the "base box", or people 
can't reproduce the image.

> > 2. After Server installed, execute: "devcloudsetup.sh -p", will
> install xen+xcp, then reboot.
> So a couple of points here:
> 1 - I had initially thought about having "devcloudstetup.sh -p" as
> part of the Vagrant provisioning process.  Now that I've gone through
> it, I don't think that's the right place in the workflow.  Unless
> anyone objects, I'll do this step as part of the "base box"
> preparation.

Yes, it should be in the "base box" installation procedure, as it installs the 
OS/Hypervisor stuff.

> 2 - The xcp-networking install requires console interaction (AFAIK).
> Do you know how to avoid the "bridged vs. ovs" prompt during the
> install process?
> 3 - I'm assuming that you used "bridged" for the xcp network config.
> Correct?


> >> 2) steps you took to hack together the CloudStack build / install?
> >>
> >> For point 2, are you perhaps already looking at fixing the master
> >> branch build within Ubuntu 12.04?  If not, but you know the steps
> you
> >> generally took, I can start to look at this after the initial
> Vagrant
> >> work.
> >
> > Not yet. I think it's better let me do it, as it takes me a while to
> figure it out, what's wrong with the build. Don't waste your time on it.
> > I'll work on it tomorrow.
> OK.  Let me know if you want any support.
> > 4. Need to document or automate the VirtualBox image or ova
> > creating process, such as what's the hardware configuration for the
> VM,
> > what's the Port Forwarding rules we are using, etc.
> I've got notes for the "base image" creation process, that I can start
> to put into a clean location.  There are several steps that can be
> added around your existing "-p" setup phase.  I'm thinking that there
> should be an option to specifically configure the OS as a Vagrant base
> image, allowing someone that uses VMware or Parallels (or other) to
> get to the same point in the process.

Agree. If need to install VirtualBox addon in the setupscript, then better to 
have an option to enable/disable it.

> Here is the config that I have in the Vagrantfile now:
> Vagrant::Config.run do |config|
>   config.vm.box = "devcloudbase-ubuntu-12-04-64bit"
>   # TODO: get a place to host the base image
>   # config.vm.box_url = "http://domain.com/path/to/above.box";
>   # Uncomment this line to enable the console for debugging the
>   # build process.
>   # config.vm.boot_mode = :gui
>   config.vm.forward_port 22, 2222
>   config.vm.forward_port 8080, 8080
>   config.vm.forward_port 8443, 8443
>   config.vm.forward_port 5901, 5901
>   config.vm.forward_port 8787, 8787
>   config.vm.forward_port 8250, 8250
> end

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