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On Jul 7, 2012, at 4:07 PM, "John Kinsella" <> wrote:

> Got it up and running with virtual box on osx. No luck yet importing it into 
> Parallels, if I figure that out  I'll add a "how to" to the wiki page.
> Some thoughts:
> * Do a little cleanup before packaging the disk image for download - I see 
> things like root's bash history. Not giving away a lot of info, but anything 
> helps a malicious user. Might want to clean out /var/log as well.
Will do, there is a script: under tools/devcloud/, will setup 
the whole image, but it's not 100% automated yet.  After automate the image 
build process, then we will get clean image.
> * Might want to clean up the users/permissions in mysql - user cloud can 
> connect from anywhere without a password, and I see 2 users with no 
> usernames/passwords - not sure how mysqld will treat those, but probably 
> shouldn't be there.

Both root and cloud user don't have password, the reason is to make it simple: 
when deploying db, don't need to config password. 
> * At login I'm shown there's 26 security updates - might want to apply those 
> to the release.
Ok, will do.
> * At least on mac, accessing the UI works with http://localhost:8080/client, 
> not my machine's IP.
In order to get console proxy work, when rdeploydb, need a routable ip on the 
-Drhost command line, the ip will be stored in devcloud db. Otherwise, using 
localhost is enough.
> I can't get past "View all" for any of the items on the Infrastructure page 
> to add zones/etc, not sure if that's just me, won't have time to debug 
> further on that today...
Maybe need to wait for a while or refresh ui... 

Thanks for your test and comments.
> John
> On Jul 6, 2012, at 7:37 PM, Edison Su wrote:
>> Hi All,
>>  I created an all-in-one-box CloudStack development environment, name it as 
>> DevCloud. It's ready to download from 
>> and the document 
>> is put at 
>>  If you are a CloudStack developer whose daily tasks are directly related to 
>> hypervisor, or are interested in CloudStack but don't want to setup a 
>> CloudStack environment by yourself, welcome to have a try. 
>>  Comments are welcome!
>>  Note: the image is about 1.5G, the downloading may take a while.

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