
Zeroturnaround released an interesting report on the state of developer 
productivity, that showed maven as significantly more popular than ant, but 
personally ant seems a better soln to me.

Plus - it's already in place. :)


On Jun 19, 2012, at 3:21 PM, Alex Huang wrote:

> Actually I think I answered my own question.  Let's not wait for the build 
> question. Build.xml is not that hard to write and not very wasteful to throw 
> away if we decide on a different build system.
> --Alex
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Alex Huang [mailto:alex.hu...@citrix.com]
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2012 1:53 PM
>> To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
>> Subject: RE: FW: [PROPOSAL] Further refinement of CloudStack modules...
>> I've been investigating the breaking out of CloudStack modules and of course
>> it ties in closely with the build system.  I  like to get some thoughts 
>> gathered
>> on the approaches.
>> 1. Move to a build system such as maven now and then use the tools to do
>> the breakout.
>> 2. Break out now and write build.xml files for each project and then leave
>> moving to a different build system to someone else.
>> Is there a preference?  If 1, is maven the right one to use?
>> Thanks.
>> --Alex

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