Hey David,

Thanks!  However i don't see the change on the master branch at GitHub, am i 
looking at the right place?


From: David Nalley [da...@gnsa.us]
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 5:58 AM
To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: Which branch to Nicira integration?

On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 10:52 PM, David Nalley <da...@gnsa.us> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 9:19 PM, Hugo Trippaers
> <htrippa...@schubergphilis.com> wrote:
>> Heya all,
>> This afternoon we had a nice chat with Chiradeep about the Nicira 
>> integration. It's moving along nicely know.
>> However while setting up a test environment with a branch containing new 
>> code, i ran into trouble with the secondary storage vm. Troubleshooting that 
>> i found that the master brach (which i used to base my changes on) is 
>> lacking all build steps for the console-proxy.
>> So my questions are
>> which branch should i base my changes and eventual patch on? 3.0.x, master 
>> or another one?
>> If master, why is the console-proxy taken out and how to work around this?
> You should definitely be building off of a branch based on master in
> the git repo - what errors are you seeing with the console proxy?  We
> likely need to fix that.
> --David

That's my fault. I ripped console proxy out of the build-cloud.xml
when I was removing it from the RPM (no idea what possessed me to do
that), and if you didn't need to build systemVMs you wouldn't have
noticed it missing. I just pushed that back in - but it's no longer
part of build-all - but you should be able to build it (and the rest
of CloudStack) with:

ant build-console-proxy build-all

Let me know if you run into problems.


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