On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 4:09 PM, Clayton Weise <cwe...@iswest.net> wrote:
>>Our primary focus for the UI design for 3.0 was ease of use, since that
>>was a major problem in the 2.0.x UI. In particular, we didn't want to
>>overload/overwhelm a new user with a ton of options when they load the UI.
> As mentioned on the UIX document on confluence, since the goal is to make it 
> something that can be managed from a tablet the sliding panels are fine.  The 
> general complaint isn't that the sliding panels aren't good but that to get 
> to the information we use on a day-to-day basis it takes too many clicks.  
> Maybe a better approach is to collect from the complaints in this thread the 
> common operations and make _those operations_ more easily accessible and in 
> fewer clicks.
> For example, I understand why virtual routers are buried 8 levels deep, but 
> in v2 they were listed under system VMs.  Perhaps a link from within system 
> VMs that takes you directly to them?
>>We've thought of adding more toolbar 'quick links' or possibly keyboard
>>shortcuts for frequent users to access their commonly-used functionality.
>>Ideally these could be customizable and stored in user preferences. Any
>>other ideas?
> I think this is probably a good universal problem-solver for the number of 
> clicks.  Some kind of a 'quick links' or 'favorites' section where you can 
> simply add the page you're looking at to the favorites section to make it 
> easier to navigate.
> Not related to the previous points, having the ability to sort on a column 
> would be great too.  It was a suggestion from one of our users that I didn't 
> even think about but when the instances are listed on the page they're in no 
> particular order that they can see and the ability to sort by name, zone, 
> state, etc would be nice.  I know there's a filter, but maybe I want to see 
> all and just sort them differently.
> Onto the UIX specifics...
> Sliding Nav:
> I think it's fine as long as it was extended out when you first login or do 
> something to bring attention to the small "+" in the upper-left corner (it 
> took me a bit before I noticed it and users aren't always as kind/patient).
> Filterable search:
> I'm afraid I just don't understand the point of this.  So it would create 
> this collapsed list after I search/filter for some value.  And clicking on 
> the "show more" would show all records again?  What's wrong with the current 
> way of filtering with the drop-down picklist?
> Flip dashboard:
> In terms of functionality it's nice, and the ability to add/remove widgets 
> from the page will make it a very good red light/green light way of viewing 
> things.  And the flip looks cool :).  And assuming that each widget can be 
> clicked on to drill down into that specific item, this would be particularly 
> good for tablet users.

So not to overly play devils-advocate - but especially now that there
are dedicated Andoid and iPad apps for CloudStack, does anyone use an
iPad to interact with the UI - is UI via an iPad still a valid use


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