
I'm with David. I'd rather make the move now towards ASF and go through the 
initial delays as the community is going to keep CloudStack alive in the long 
run I believe.
As probably many of us I could come up with many features and bugfixes as well 
I'd need right now in our production environment but personally believe we 
users would benefit the most of CloudStack being moved to ASF sooner rather 
than later.
The community needs CloudStack and CloudStack needs the community.
+1 for ASF

-----Original Message-----
From: James Kahn [mailto:jk...@idea11.com.au] 
Sent: 15 May 2012 06:57
To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] releases going forward


I think some lag between the last Citrix release and the first Apache release 
is unavoidable.

I think it's in CloudStack's best interest if the lag is as short as possible, 
rather than holding out for the next release to definitely be Apache for 
ideological reasons.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Nalley <da...@gnsa.us>
Reply-To: "cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org"
Date: Tuesday, 15 May 2012 1:51 PM
To: "cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org"
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] releases going forward

>Hi Chip - your post reminded me that perhaps I assumed lots of knowledge.
>So Citrix announced that it will have a product based on CloudStack - 
>and that will be known as Citrix CloudPlatform.
>I imagine that Citrix will end up with it's own release timings for 
>that product, but don't personally have any insight into that. Citrix 
>has indicated that it wishes to stay very close to upstream
>(CloudStack) - so I imagine that it will end up similar to the 
>Fedora/RHEL model, where Fedora serves as the upstream for RHEL.
>I don't disagree that information sharing is a good thing, and have no 
>doubt that some Citrix CloudPlatform information will appear on this 
>list and I don't think that's a problem.
>My specific concerns revolve around the following items:
>* Confusion around the continued releases from Citrix - the move to the 
>ASF has generated a lot of attention and with it expectations.
>* While this may be a pessimistic view - I fear that short of stringing 
>this process out over some much longer period of time, that the 
>'overhead' of getting to that first Apache release doesn't go away
>- we just keep pushing it further down the calendar. So we are going to 
>pay with the delay sooner or later and it's just a matter of when.
>This is especially true as the initial committers, and non-mentor PPMC 
>members are currently all Citrix employees - most of whom have 
>responsibilities around releases or the process that leads up to it.
>* Citrix-produced releases are inherently unfriendly to the community, 
>I say this because Citrix-produced releases take a lot of the control 
>out of the hands of the community. We already have multiple patches 
>that have been in the queue for more than 2 weeks that haven't been 
>applied because we are in a weird no-mans land between Citrix and 
>Apache. We have a lot of interest in Apache CloudStack, lots of folks 
>watching this list, wanting to get involved - the longer it takes for 
>us to be able to engage with them, the worse off we will be from a 
>contributor community perspective.
>While I am certainly sympathetic to the thoughts around keeping pace 
>with code releases, making sure we get new features out as fast as 
>possible, etc. I keep coming back to Apache's credo of 'Community over 
>code', with a firm belief that even if it slows us down a bit 
>initially, that embracing the Apache way is more important for our 
>contributor community than more timely releases; besides with enough 
>folks working, all work is shallow.

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