My concern here is that the roadmap has lots of new features, and we do not 
want to be waiting 6 months for the next release which was due out in May


-----Original Message-----
From: David Nalley []
Sent: 14 May 2012 20:07
Subject: [DISCUSS] releases going forward

Hi folks,

We had some chatter on private@ list regarding the approrpiateness of 
announcing the 3.0.2 release on the ASF-hosted lists - and that turned into a 
discussion of where we go from here with regards to releases with a few 
opinions circling on whether we should assume that it's the last release to be 
generated by Citrix - and when the Apache CloudStack community will assume 
responsibility. Matt dutifully reminded us that the discussion need not be 
private - and thus I am bringing that discussion here.

The concern is that there is a fairly significant amount of work to be done to 
generate an Apache CloudStack release - a good deal of which will be trial and 
error and completely new processes. By way of reference - it appears that 
Apache OpenOffice took about 10 months from entering incubation to pushing out 
a release. I think we are substantially better off with less to migrate than 
AOO - but nonetheless it could be a non-trivial amount of time, whereas we have 
historically been doing about a release a month.

At the same time, pushing out a Citrix-generated CloudStack release is a pretty 
closed process - QA happens behind closed doors, as does decision making about 
dates, release criteria, and virtually everything else. It also requires a 
non-trivial amount of work for folks who presumably would be otherwise engaged 
in pushing Apache CloudStack forward.

While I certainly hope that 10 (or even 6)  months doesn't go by without a 
release, my personal inclination is to focus on Apache CloudStack - but I am 
but one voice - please discuss.

Thoughts, comments, flames?


ShapeBlue provides a range of strategic and technical consulting services to 
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ShapeBlue’s expertise, combined with CloudStack technology, allows IT Service 
providers and enterprises to deliver true, utility based, IaaS to the customer 
without reengineering existing physical, virtual or storage layers.


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