Hello WMF Cloud Services users!

The WMF Data Platform Engineering team
<https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Data_Platform_Engineering> is strategizing
about how people use WMF data. We would like to gather qualitative feedback
from users of data inside and outside of the WMF.

We'd like to talk to a few users of Wikimedia data available in Cloud
Services.  This includes (but is not limited to!) Quarry, Wiki replicas,
dumps, WMF APIs, etc.

If you are a heavy user of these data sources and would be willing to share
your experience (and frustrations!), please talk to us!

Reply to this email and we will set something up, hopefully within the next
couple of months.

Thank you,
- Andrew Otto, Principal Software Engineer, WMF
Cloud mailing list -- cloud@lists.wikimedia.org
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